
Stop playing with yourself Kent.

The club seems to be on fire today, maybe it is afterglow from the Commie Awards. Everyone wants to throw out their best stuff. But us lurkers know that there is a short attention span and all that will matter is what you post next December.

The cables broke all along the line, in fact the length of the cable they climb down suggests it is quite a way from the break point.

Though now that I look at that pic again, everything is flipped. The cars are headed back toward the visitor center when the attack happens and the fence is on the passenger side.

I always figured the valley was more toward the front jeep, since the T-Rex came through in between the vehicles about 50' back it is not inconceivable that the elevation changed that rapidly. But maybe I am giving it too much credit.

Fuck! I had blocked that one out. It is one of the few Genesis games that I actually finished. I don't know how many tries it took me to beat the final level, but it was seared into my brain enough that it popped right back up as soon as you mentioned it.

exactly @avclub-75f023b01584c7f37883f41c2a2b91ca:disqus  fucking raisin cookies get me every time. If I wanted fruit I would not be eating a damn cookie!

Imagine if E. Buzz Miller is actually ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER's new less wordy nom de plume?

I think the girl from the movie "May" might be a good role model here.

*grabs popcorn*

How about we get a generic perky girl, an ethnic and a dork, the kids will relate to that right?

That reminded me of the up with people rip-off type of kids you see singing in theme parks.

So the Tropic Thunder advice comes in handy yet again?

Woody Allen?

Despite popular opinion, not every skinny effeminate Brit is gay.

50's: I Love Lucy
60's: Twilight Zone
70's: Monty Python
80's: Hill Street Blues
90's: X-Files
00's: Lost

Tom Waits: "It's a Red Snapper….Should I put it in my pants?"

And if you subtract by a Bacon the Higgs goes Boson.

Richard Marx tries to become relevant again in a very Richard Marx kind of way.

I am just about to that part in book 6 and I cannot wait for "Ashaman, kill" Maybe the only thing better is the description of the aftermath in the beginning of book 7.