
Or fapped to Anthony Daniels' creepy description of getting down-blouse looks at Carrie Fisher.

There is also the PC nature of modern culture wanting to sanitize everything. Can you imagine Blazing Saddles being green-lit today?

Is Bamboozled somehow more sensitive in its treatment of race or is it just because Tarantino is white?

I think it is supposed to be 10 books, you may be waiting a while. Sanderson is very prolific but he has a lot of balls in the air at the moment.

Just picked mine up at noon. I have been avoiding spoilers for the last three books for years now, guess I can wait a few more months until I catch up with my re-read.

I have not read the Sanderson ones yet, but yeah, Jordan is on a different level from Goodkind. It is like comparing King and Koontz. Maybe I will run with that, who would Martin be in that horror comparison? Clive Barker?

I think Sanderson would be a bit too Mormon for Ice and Fire. I like his work but it does tend toward the PG-13 side.

It is much more traditional fantasy. More focus on a heroic quest and magic, less politics. More good vs. evil, less shades of gray. The world building is similar though in it's thoroughness  Martin likes to take a few pages to describe the food. Jordan does it with clothing. I think both are great at manipulating a

Yep I was just about to say the same thing, but not as eloquently.

I am on book 6 on my re-read. I have not previously read any of the Sanderson ones but I did pick them up as they came out and I like his other work. Yes, no one ever seems to die, most of it is very PG-13, Jordan does tend to go on about clothing and character ticks, but there is a decent story there. Once you get

It does give a counterpoint to the classic Bill Hicks line about all the best music you ever listened to.

I can say is that if Margaret Mead, at her age, smoked grass… she'd have one hell of a trip!

Better than me, I had to get Stephen King and Dean Koontz out of my system in middle school, not to mention the 1,000 page Battlefield Earth that I wrote a 7th grade book report on. I was supposed to write a 50 word summary on a 3x5 index card, it did not go so well.

I still have about 20 of them sitting on my daughter's bookshelf. She is only 6, so not quite up to chapter books yet, but soon, soon.

Loved escape, probably my first taste of post-apocalypse fiction.

Get off my lawn! I was in high school by the time R.L. Stine came along. I pretty much skipped from CYOA right to Tolkien and Terry Brooks around 5th grade.

That is awesome, I remember one of those contests in about '84 or so. A friend and I got so far as diagramming a plot but then we gave up.

True, if Walt lives, everyone else is certainly fucked.

For the rest of the cast it is just questions of: 
1. Do they live?
2. Are they arrested?
3. Do they keep the money?

Let's go through the realistic scenarios:
1: Walt dies from cancer
2. Walt dies from violence - police
3. Walt dies from violence - rival drug gang
4. Walt dies from violence - Hank
5. Walt dies from violence - Jesse