
Did Walt get that Michael Jackson disease from the island?

To be fair it does look like the red jacket guy was asking for it. He was probably trying to stumble to the bathroom but Mr. drunk police did not want him wandering around the gate.
Also why in the pic above does he look like the incredible hulk and in the video he looks like Andrew Garfield?

Ummm, about Danaerys crossing the narrow sea….

I liked it, but it was much more about the journey rather than the destination. Some may be really put off by that.

Occasionally the public can get one if they write the publisher nicely, but it helps if you work in a bookstore or library.

*furiously googles pictures of Seth Green and Jamie Kennedy*


Did Howie Mandel have to wash his hands after touching you?

I love trying to explain his books to someone. 
"Ok there is this online game that is a mix of World of Warcraft and Minecraft and it is more popular than Facebook and makes more money than many small countries. Then there are these Chinese hackers, Russian mobsters and Islamic terrorists. Wait did I forget to mention

Probably too violent and life affirming to make it past the prison censors. You will just get stuck with a dog-eared copy of Soul Harvest, book 4 of the Left Behind series.

Sure, there is a linguistic split between the Southern European or Romance languages and the Northern European Germanic Languages but there was definitely some intermingling at least back to the bronze age and probably before, though more limited.

I would say that Germans are more like the ancestors of all of the above rather than the other way around. English and Dutch are Germanic languages. The Germans were the Goths of the Roman Empire.

I liked Earth Abides but the pace is different than most might expect. Kind of like The Road without the existential dread.

I don't think there is much difference really, he is still going to give you a mobius strip plot with a lot of easter eggs and hidden connections. I would go for Cryptonomicon first, just because that is the order they were published in, but it should not matter much, you will see the connections easily enough either

Reamde is probably the most accessible  but the Baroque Cycle is not far behind. Cryptonomicon is tangentially related to it. If you like those then you can go for the more heady Anathem.

I keep trying to get my wife into Neal Stephenson but no dice yet. When she gave up on the technicalities of Cryptonomicon, I gave her the more accessible Reamde, but she did not get into that either. Maybe I should just throw Anathem at her and give up.
She is more of a traditional fiction and non-fiction reader. But

Gone Away World is a lot of fun. Post-apocalypse with mimes. I liked it slightly better than Angelmaker but they were both great. Harkaway is definitely on my read everything he puts out list.

Yes, very similar to the Stand, maybe superior in some ways if you can get past the similarities.

I would disagree with non-melodic. I actually find Isis very melodic, but then I listen to Aphex Twin, so that may skew my perception a bit.

@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus Yeah, Terry Brooks did that too, but at least Shannara was a multi-generational thing. WOT is really written as one big novel. I did read the third book in the original Shannara series before the second book and it still leaves the story a bit convoluted in my mind.