
True, it probably makes more sense for them financially to wait and make sure the deal went through and finish negotiations with the Mouse rather than the fickle Mr. Lucas. 
I was just thinking that if Lucas really wanted them and wanted to present a more coherent, solid story for Disney he would have made sure they

So George talked to Mark, Harrison and Carrie last summer about the new movies but did not get them signed on or anything? Curious.

So George talked to Mark, Harrison and Carrie last summer about the new movies but did not get them signed on or anything? Curious.

@avclub-6dfdd63abbcb8863fba5ab0ab35d76f5:disqus  Same here, was 14 when Pretty Hate Machine came out. Perfect teen angst. I was in college for the Downward Spiral, perfect bar dance/thrash. I was mellowing out for the Fragile and I was much more politically minded in my early 30's for Year Zero.By 2008 I could listen

@avclub-6dfdd63abbcb8863fba5ab0ab35d76f5:disqus  Same here, was 14 when Pretty Hate Machine came out. Perfect teen angst. I was in college for the Downward Spiral, perfect bar dance/thrash. I was mellowing out for the Fragile and I was much more politically minded in my early 30's for Year Zero.By 2008 I could listen

Qui-Gon was the first to discover it, but he did not achieve full transendence in the Buddhist sense because he died before he became one with the force therefore only snippets of his voice appeared, no ghost. Obi-Wan and Yoda achieved it just before their deaths, de-materializing fully. We have to assume Vader's suit

Qui-Gon was the first to discover it, but he did not achieve full transendence in the Buddhist sense because he died before he became one with the force therefore only snippets of his voice appeared, no ghost. Obi-Wan and Yoda achieved it just before their deaths, de-materializing fully. We have to assume Vader's suit

I think the larger question is: go with a solid if unexceptional director who will let Star Wars be Star Wars or go with an auteur who will remake it in his own image?

I think the larger question is: go with a solid if unexceptional director who will let Star Wars be Star Wars or go with an auteur who will remake it in his own image?

I heard that one, but I still like (just wishful thinking) Whedon with Nathan Fillion as Jacen Solo.

I heard that one, but I still like (just wishful thinking) Whedon with Nathan Fillion as Jacen Solo.

I am actually afraid to look that up and find out if it is true or not. I will just grin and keep thinking it is, knowing that there are much, much bigger star wars nerds out there than I with a whole universe of apologetics that put Christian monks to shame.

I am actually afraid to look that up and find out if it is true or not. I will just grin and keep thinking it is, knowing that there are much, much bigger star wars nerds out there than I with a whole universe of apologetics that put Christian monks to shame.

It was Gregory House, explaining both the deduction of the exact poison and the lack of follow-up.

It was Gregory House, explaining both the deduction of the exact poison and the lack of follow-up.

I suppose if there were people swearing up and down that The Blair Witch Project was real even after I pointed out the fucking Steak and Shake commercial with the same actress! then there are people out there right now pestering their dealer for the good blue stuff, sigh….

I suppose if there were people swearing up and down that The Blair Witch Project was real even after I pointed out the fucking Steak and Shake commercial with the same actress! then there are people out there right now pestering their dealer for the good blue stuff, sigh….

The Teletubbies are Eloi. They are born and die in the space of one day They emerge from their hill-womb to frolic in a garden of eden, doped by TV signals and radiated by a merciless thermonuclear sun until summoned below by the mechanical speaking tubes of the Morlocks. They are forced to eat their fallen bretheren

The Teletubbies are Eloi. They are born and die in the space of one day They emerge from their hill-womb to frolic in a garden of eden, doped by TV signals and radiated by a merciless thermonuclear sun until summoned below by the mechanical speaking tubes of the Morlocks. They are forced to eat their fallen bretheren

I am also halfway through, but I am having a hard time keeping track of the characters. He is one of those authors who switches between using last names, first names and nicknames. I am not very good with names in real life so that just loses me every time. I suppose I need to find a character summary somewhere so I