
I am also halfway through, but I am having a hard time keeping track of the characters. He is one of those authors who switches between using last names, first names and nicknames. I am not very good with names in real life so that just loses me every time. I suppose I need to find a character summary somewhere so I

I am halfway through and did not see any spoilers other than maybe the section about Guilder.

I am halfway through and did not see any spoilers other than maybe the section about Guilder.

I will be repeating something I saw elsewhere with the sad knowledge that Disney would never be this cool:
Whedon Star Wars with Nathan Fillion as Jacen Solo.

I will be repeating something I saw elsewhere with the sad knowledge that Disney would never be this cool:
Whedon Star Wars with Nathan Fillion as Jacen Solo.



That or he is a shrew political robot ticking off the most popular shows in hopes of making a connection so that somebody somewhere will think he is a real boy.

and Kerry went to Vietnam and came back as an anti-war protester.

and Kerry went to Vietnam and came back as an anti-war protester.

It had a few moments. I liked the hate of the host for the producer and some of the other ongoing gags. But the improv usually sucked.

It had a few moments. I liked the hate of the host for the producer and some of the other ongoing gags. But the improv usually sucked.

Pretty sure I have seen those guys on youtube. Teens attempting to brain each other with real metal folding chairs etc.

Pretty sure I have seen those guys on youtube. Teens attempting to brain each other with real metal folding chairs etc.

I thought they just put an afro on the George Bush head from Game of Thrones.

I thought they just put an afro on the George Bush head from Game of Thrones.

As a lover of post apoc (thanks talking dead :( i think we have come to have pretty low standards. Just give us the good stuff: shopping sprees, consequence free murder, second chances, and we will eat it up despite the flat characters and nonsensical plot.

As a lover of post apoc (thanks talking dead :( i think we have come to have pretty low standards. Just give us the good stuff: shopping sprees, consequence free murder, second chances, and we will eat it up despite the flat characters and nonsensical plot.

I like that Merle was able to get more info out of her than nerdlinger.
Fuckin nerds, how do they work?

I like that Merle was able to get more info out of her than nerdlinger.
Fuckin nerds, how do they work?