
I bet @avclub-68e8e6860586596c1e7a37aa64d3fba4:disqus  doesn't get too many second dates. 
I made the mistake of showing American Psycho to a fairly new female acquaintance who was crashing on my couch for the first time. She did not tell me until much later in our friendship how it freaked her out and almost made her

I bet @avclub-68e8e6860586596c1e7a37aa64d3fba4:disqus  doesn't get too many second dates. 
I made the mistake of showing American Psycho to a fairly new female acquaintance who was crashing on my couch for the first time. She did not tell me until much later in our friendship how it freaked her out and almost made her

I recently showed it to my 6 year old daughter and she loved it. Lots of campy fun, kid heros, monsters that are the good guys, evil step parents, etc.

I recently showed it to my 6 year old daughter and she loved it. Lots of campy fun, kid heros, monsters that are the good guys, evil step parents, etc.

I thought that was Firehouse? oh… I see what you did there.

I thought that was Firehouse? oh… I see what you did there.

The only shame I felt was that it really does not take that long to get through it. It isn't like there are 3-4 seasons to catch up on or anything. If you watch one a day you would be done in 2 weeks.

The only shame I felt was that it really does not take that long to get through it. It isn't like there are 3-4 seasons to catch up on or anything. If you watch one a day you would be done in 2 weeks.

Falling Skies on Mars

Falling Skies on Mars

As much as we like to rip on the Prequels, it would be difficult for any movie to get out from under the shadow of some of those CGI scenes such as the gladiator arena.

As much as we like to rip on the Prequels, it would be difficult for any movie to get out from under the shadow of some of those CGI scenes such as the gladiator arena.

Actually, if they care about ANY realism, there may be a solution there. Just North of Terre Haute, Indiana is the nation's largest stockpile of VX gas. It is neutralized now, but could be worked into a not-too-outlandish plot.

Actually, if they care about ANY realism, there may be a solution there. Just North of Terre Haute, Indiana is the nation's largest stockpile of VX gas. It is neutralized now, but could be worked into a not-too-outlandish plot.

They talk about wars, but from the Miles flashbacks it seems like it goes more from anarchy straight into militia-based feudal dictatorships. Sure there would be some battles between local warlords, but nothing to indicate that kind of population loss short of genocide.

They talk about wars, but from the Miles flashbacks it seems like it goes more from anarchy straight into militia-based feudal dictatorships. Sure there would be some battles between local warlords, but nothing to indicate that kind of population loss short of genocide.

Yes, the magic movie wreckage that pins people but leaves no lasting damage.

Yes, the magic movie wreckage that pins people but leaves no lasting damage.

I am curious if it is supposed to represent Deep River Waterpark, that is the only amusement park of any significance South of Chicago until you get to Indiana Beach, but it is quite a bit North East of Lowell.
Not saying the writers are getting much right, but it is kind of fun now that they are effectively in my back

I am curious if it is supposed to represent Deep River Waterpark, that is the only amusement park of any significance South of Chicago until you get to Indiana Beach, but it is quite a bit North East of Lowell.
Not saying the writers are getting much right, but it is kind of fun now that they are effectively in my back