
Your reference to the ratings was miles out, right? According to the TV Grim Reaper, highest ratings for 2 years.

That is a spot-on analysis of it.

So, it's a soap opera then? That's what dramatic shows without endings are called, usually.

Kryten and "Red Dwarf". Okay, I never thought he was the greatest cast member, but he's certainly popular enough with the fandom and gave them more storyline possibilities.

Pearl? I love MST3K as much as anyone (significantly more than most) but she was the worst regular cast member, although they all got pretty bad by the end.

Bordello of Blood is hilarious.

I don't think it's terrible at all. It's a hilarious, bizarre, gem of a movie.

@avclub-cf4b19e32ce29fef04468ac9d2a6787d:disqus, that is pure poetry. Kudos to you sir.

Having watched multiple seasons of "Highlander", they never show the actual head falling off the shoulders - it's quite difficult to pull off with limited $ for effects, and is easier to just imply. I would be very surprised if he's still alive, especially as he has zero army or supporters any more.

If this were true, then the only people getting shot would be politicians. Vaughn is such an idiot (I know you basically said this, just jumping on the bandwagon).

How about we try, though? Save some lives maybe?

As a British person, I'm fucking delighted that what you say is a complete lie. Less guns tends to equal less people getting murdered with guns.

You know it's been, by any reasonable definition, over 150 years since any American has needed guns to fight their own Government? And even that, not really. Perhaps you ought to stop using it as an excuse.

It's not a semantic trick, it's the literal truth. I'm sorry that you wanted him to argue something else.

Very wealthy white people probably shouldn't.

Showalter's continued success is baffling to me. He's consistently the weak link of whatever show he's on, and "They Came Together" was a horrible mess.

Er, unless you watched a different episode to me, she wasn't raped. And it explicitly was said to be not okay, in the review. Reading is hard, eh?

"Transitional season". Or, as we used to call it, "not very good". Shows shouldn't need an entire damn season to transition anything.

I presume they expected Half Life 3 to be along moderately quickly after 2, but then they decided to not bother. It's all weird.

Perhaps this would be moderately more sensible in an AV Club article about a TV show about a Muslim family who hid a child rapist in their midst? As it is, this article is about a Christian family who did that. It'd be helpful if we could all try and stick to the topic, thanks.