
I feel like placing a $50 bet that Wiig and Hader (with an outside chance of Sudeikis) will turn up next week too.

Absolutely. The performers are all fine (apart from Rudnitsky, who's not had a chance I suppose) but the writing is rotten.

Given what they have released, it must have been absolutely shocking.

Because he's not famous enough as an actor or good enough as a rapper?

@thehumblecrab:disqus said "talent" :)

If they've not built up brand loyalty by now, then one "fan film" isn't going to move the needle very far.

But…er…this isn't news. This is just Star Trek. The same name as those other shows and movies.

I saw them all for free and, as far as I'm aware, the Kirk in the show and his wife (who plays the counsellor) have parlayed this show into…occasional voice-over work. I don't think anyone's made a penny from that show, and if I could be bothered to look, I'm sure they make that point themselves.

Protip: if you have to use the word "actress" in your "I'm not an…" opening line, you might want to consider dropping it. Unless you leave it in there to annoy me into replying, thus earning yourself another microscopic fraction of a dollar from my page hit? Ah, the wonderful world of online "journalism"!

Out of interest, as it never ever gets mentioned on sites like this, are there any people on the internet who are extremely religious and douche-bag-y?

"*creator* is not giving up" - every failed show ever

If it was just a straight remake of "Lexx" with a bigger budget, I'd be delighted.

When was the last time SNL messed with the formula? The Coppola episode? And that was 30 years ago!

Holy hell, man, when was the last Californians sketch? Discounting the one on the 40th anniversary show (which was just an excuse for old cast members to do something together), three years? Change the record!

What a fucking idiot he is. Also, a liar, as he described himself as a comedian.

It would struggle to be worse than SNL. Like, they'd have to work at it.

Completely ass-backwards, I think. Crowe showed he was at least trying, but the material was absolutely shockingly bad. I thought the ninja sketch was decent (and will almost certainly recur, because Jones managed not to blow any lines), but Deenie was pretty poor too.

Plus, the blurb on the back of at least the first few collected editions of the comic was "what if the zombie movie didn't end?", like's been said above (just confirming it was explicit in the early days of the comic about it being endless).

While it's a nice argument, it's much more to do with it being difficult to write a show about how a society forms in a new way, while relatively simple to write about small groups of people walking through the wilderness occasionally killing zombies.

I really didn't like "They Came Together", which felt like it was screaming "look how clever we're being!" at me every ten seconds, without bothering to do stuff like have funny material. It'd have been a lot better as a ten-minute sketch.