
People don't have to live with the aftermath of being murdered, though, which is sort of the main problem with these "there's loads worse than rape on GOT" comments.

My friend Dan has done a doctorate or a thesis or something (I wasn't really paying attention) about Mr Reeves, and he sounds like one of history's biggest badasses. I will definitely be watching this.

Perhaps you could point me to people upset with gratuitous nudity in GoT? This discussion is about the rape of the (fully clothed on camera) Sansa.

I wish I could post this, ten feet high, in every writers room in the world.

That's why I don't necessarily trust the show to do what you suggest - the last rape on the show wasn't even viewed that way by the people who made it.

Then why are you on a website devoted to people analysing TV if all you think is "Just hush and let the adults make their show, all right?"

I disagree, and think on this point it's very wise to compare the two. Sansa's storyline in the book is certainly less "exciting" than all this, but no less interesting.

I agree with misslucas. I sort of think the Red Wedding, plus the murder of Bran and Rickon (so she thinks), is probably enough motivation for whatever she's going to do.

Not sure they needed to rape her for her to be upset enough at the Boltons to take her revenge on them, though.

You're predicting both black women leave the show? I'd say there's about a 0% chance of that happening. It desperately needs a little thinning out, but I don't hold out much hope. Jost and Che will still be there next season too - we had all these "Update isn't working" comments at the end of last season and look what

I tried Flophouse thanks to a recommendation on another forum, and it wasn't super-insightful or particularly funny, so I dropped it. As awful as HDTGM can be, it's at least got some top-drawer comedians on it.

Apart from about the last two books, which are absolute dogshit.

Please stop doing the sub-headings. They're not funny, and never really were. Just stop.

So, if a lot of people agree on one thing, and very few people have the opposite opinion, to prevent hurting your feelings the "mass" should just keep quiet?

The people in charge of SNL make millions of dollars, and the cast have phenomenal opportunities for mainstream success. Apologies if I don't break down in floods of tears over how hard it is to be an incredibly lucky, world-renowned figure; and apologies too if I choose to have an opinion on the show that's something

It's way too similar to be a coincidence. The million dollar prize is the kicker; after the Tina Turner sketch earlier in the season, something needs to happen. Still, perhaps this will get Colin Jost fired, so we can but hope something good comes from it.

If Chris Evans can do two different characters, we should keep up hope for JCR to do the same.

But lives are finite, so we need to judge a show at some early point otherwise we'd have no time for actually good stuff.

Who cares?

I thought the strong rumour was that this is Kenan's last season? I hope so. I think it's equally as likely that Good Neighbor leave en masse as it is they get promoted.