
That was Robert Smigel with Farley, right?

Nah, that's rubbish. Everyone's "powerful in numbers", and if the open field combat thing has ever been mentioned on the show, then I've not heard it. How did the Sons use the close quarters to their advantage? Also, how are the Sons of the Harpy that good at fighting?

I think the jury's still out on Allen, though. That whole story just sounds like horribly fucked up people on all sides, and until the "truth" emerges, I think it's okay to enjoy his work.

They've very obviously reduced her load, because her storyline sort of sucked and she was a bit one-note. The AA ladies are an amazingly strong group though.

I think this show is fantastic, and if it keeps on at this level I think people will legitimately be comparing it to "Roseanne". They've figures out what works best - the central women -and have built more around them, because it's stupid to assemble such an incredibly strong cast and not use them (I'm glad the kids

Some tension between the two shows might make them, y'know, funny. If tension upsets you that much, perhaps comedy is the wrong artform for you.

Comedy fans need safe spaces? What on earth are you talking about?

That people on the AV Club should be criticising famous people for having an opinion indicates they've already internalised too much bullshit. We should all be mocking the stupid bullshit new Jurassic Park movie. We should expect better.

I think the "celebs playing against type / doing something really silly" is, since "Extras", much more prevalent than it ever was.

Agreed, but he's been there since 2008. I want people to call out comedy that they think sucks!

It's also incredibly easy to do boring, lazy comedy, and that's what Conan has been giving us ever since taking over Tonight. Then, he cried like a pathetic infant because he lost his job (while making millions of dollars) only to then go back to doing exactly the same garbage that had caused him to lose his job in

I don't think musicians should make as much money as they did in the past. Why should they be millionaires? Live like the rest of us.

If it's the nicest floor in the world, and won "Floor Magazine" awards…he still wouldn't make one cent from it after he'd been paid in the first place. It's a job, same as making music. The analogy is sound, and musicians should stop crying about it.

I never got on with his show, though - it was occasionally hilarious, but I think the format he chose hurt it a little bit.

It'd have been cool if she'd done the $5 download thing like Louis CK does, but I'll download this, then spend an extra $5 if Tig ever plays the UK.

It's not offensive. I don't think all murders should be judged equally; and I don't think all cases of teacher-student sex should be judged the same either. Lots and lots of these sort of "relationships" happen, and in the vast majority of cases we never find out about it, and everyone goes about their lives happy and

I had sex with a 34 year old woman when I was 17 and it was amazing. It happens, and people aren't traumatised by it.

Please stop doing those bolded section headings. They're not funny, at all.

He's not nonpartisan, either - by any reasonable view of his politics, he's a right-winger who wants the freedom to smoke pot.

Agreed. It gets really tiring after a while. I wish they'd do an unfunny article like this about Aziz Ansari, Patton Oswalt or one of the other AVC sacred cows.