
It seems that's Lowery's main gripe these days, as the main guy behind all those "screw you if you pirate music" articles. The idea that he didn't make much money because he's boring and his music sucked doesn't seem to enter into it.

That's two strong Updates in a row, and they've changed enough to where I think this might be a new trend for them. Let them do edgy stuff - and if anyone dares claim "SNL is a liberal utopia" then show them the right-wingers who hosted for most of the 90s.

No, that's literally the explanation.

"Began" is a bit disingenuous.

Hemsworth was great, I thought, game for a laugh and worked hard in everything. The material wasn't always there, but he was easily the equal of Chris Pratt.

Former AV Club staffer in "good review from AV Club" shock

Given the title of the sketch, was he supposed to be the actual Worf? It didn't make sense to me.

It's possible the guys just sat at the desk for a photo op.

Feel free to drop that "I'm not an actor…" line from the beginning of these reviews, because it'sunfunny, meaningless even when the host isn't an actor and just makes you come off like a smug douchebag right from the off.

Don't think that's how bottle episodes work. If so, every single episode of "Barney Miller" ever is a bottle episode; plus, there were multiple locations. "Bottle-ish" = "normal studio sitcom".

Are you happy that "The Turner Diaries" was published?

I'm sure the tens of thousands of dead Iraqis and Afghans killed by illegal US drone strikes will be happy that what really gets people annoyed is a shitty movie being cancelled.

I'm wondering what the reaction of the free-speech-loving US would be if a major film was planned for worldwide release, a comedy about a couple of guys from the Middle East assassinating Obama because of the illegal wars his armies are involved in? I'm sure they'd not say a word about it.

I tried to make it through season 1 but it was just no good to me. They really need to work on some personalities for their members, as it's just an undifferentiated mass of white guys to me.

Joan Rivers, the woman who called for the wholesale murder of Palestinians, having a political opinion referred to favourably? Weird Al, who's never been *that* funny and even if you like him hasn't done anything remotely decent in 20+ years? Jim Gaffigan, whose continued success remains a mystery?

Gina only works when she's got some rope to tie her to the real world - Boyle was a really good rope, but now they just dropped that sort of immediately, and she's back being the tiresome space fairy again.

This is my favourite Rohmer film by miles - it was shown on British TV maybe 10 years ago and I've loved it ever since. This review absolutely nails all the wonderful things about it - I reckon you ought to give it a watch, hypothetical reader of this review.

I go through periods of liking him and periods of finding him by far the most tedious cast member. He's been there too long, though, for sure.

Way too many people have given him the "it's a joke" free pass. Che is a hair's breadth from getting into serious trouble and causing the show a problem.

Or, given there's no ignore feature that I can see, you could just stop signing off with the name which is right there at the top of all your posts? Are you worried that we'll forget who it is by the end of the paragraph?