Some Random Arsehole

That right there is shirt-worthy.

I can think of a few reasons, not too many of them good.

At this point, it seems like even the Newswire has been slipping.

To paraphrase something Dan has said before on the subject, graveyards are filled with people who said that about their partners. It's one of those things people — men and women alike, regardless of sexual orientation — in bad relationships say all the time, both to themselves and anyone who'll listen.

Seconded on the drop in writing quality. O'Neal and Ignatiy are great, Marah and Sonia do some fine work themselves, but let's be honest: at this point, it's the AVC community (and Savage Dik in particular) that I'm sticking around for.

Uh huh huh. Double-reed instruments.

I'm amazed that he just didn't come right out and say "hire a sex worker" or something to that effect.

Stephen King did the same thing when he was a child.


Being told that you didn't get the job isn't fun per se, but I'd rather have that than be kept in suspense for fuck knows how long.

You damned tease. What gives you the right to fuck with people's hearts like that?

Now I'm wondering if @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus's penis is wired up to all the gadgets in his house.

You and the Mrs. have lasted a lot longer than many other couples past, present and future, and it sounds like you're not secretly miserable with each other the way many I suspect my parents are.

I got my heart smashed in but good back when I was in college; I had fallen head over heels, harder than I ever had before or have since, for a female classmate who, naturally, was already spoken for. After having a ball trying to come to grips with that (and seeing as I somehow made it to the end of high school

Is this because I didn't say yes right away when you proposed to me earlier?

*types out Vector Marketing joke, hates the result and changes mind, deletes joke*

I can hazard a pretty good guess from what you've written above (though, knowing you, even the wildest, most random guess wouldn't sound too implausible), I just wanted to know if you knew more than anything else, if only because this latest one sounded so far out of the ordinary, even by the standards of

Do you have any idea where the infection might have come from?

Have I seen any Dinesh D'Souza movies? For good or for ill, no. I feel neither the compulsion nor the need at this time and even if I did see one (or more) via ways and means that meant no financial gain for anyone involved in the creation or distribution, I would still come away wondering if the mere act of watching

Agreed times infinity. This is one of the absolute worst movies I've ever seen…and I've seen Black Devil Doll From Hell and What the Bleep Do We Know.