Some Random Arsehole

No, I'm not taking Truvada and fucking without a condom. I'm holding out for BlyssPluss, thank you.

But what about "Death gay" or "Homosexual tax"?

You have a picture of yourself having sex with random Ukranian villagers?

It's largely for those reasons, as well as the issues @Dorian_Mode:disqus and @avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b:disqus pointed to above, that I have zero interest in online dating.

The Ring Two had its moments, but I don't disagree with your assessment.

I doubt this was your intention, but that second paragraph gave me a much-needed chuckle. Pee and em would have aneurysms at the very thought, they'd never pay for it if their lives depended on it and my sister said something about wanting to have her tubes tied after this pregnancy anyway (though I don't know if she

We haven't gone that route yet. While it sounds like just the thing on paper, there's no fucking way I could get everyone to participate. The Arsehole family's social culture is one where pridefulness, self-righteousness and an inability to acknowledge, admit to or address one's own faults or mistakes thrive and I'd

Which song?

"That's one long ass-boilermaker."

Well, I'm a very private person by nature, so I'll cop to being an undersharer.

I've got a couple things I could stand to get off my chest. They're not sex-related, probably more appropriate for the TI forum than Savage Dik (though I'm not a member and don't have any intention or desire to join) and I don't feel like I'm drunk enough for it right now anyway.

They called it the Awesome.

On murder charges, after butchering whoever had the nerve to look in there.

Shouldn't the title be "Lack of Name: An Erotic Life"?

Three things:

I kind of feel like a dickbag for hitting the up arrows on these posts, so I would like to take this opportunity to offer my condolences to you, @avclub-c2f1c4ca8c389f37c0d3c838bb27ef25:disqus and @disqus_ikBMnMU6n8:disqus. Losing a pet isn't far off from losing any human member of one's family.

Damn. These posts are making me miss Vanity Fair.

Well, it's not always a bad thing that some forums or websites disappear, I guess. There are things on the Internet that I've regretted posting, but the better part of them are gone.

We can comment on @Core Concept:disqus's journal now? This won't end well…

Aside from all the crap I endured over the years for even keeping a journal, no one's ever said anything to me about it (and they would have if they had, no doubt in my mind), which leads me to believe that no one's peeked in there. If they had, I wouldn't be here typing this. I'd be in jail.