I'm the same way and not being cautious about other people's privacy would make me not just a douche, but a hypocritical one.
I'm the same way and not being cautious about other people's privacy would make me not just a douche, but a hypocritical one.
In regards to SCARED's letter:
And now I can't not imagine that either.
All the wingnuts want to do is discredit Obama whichever way they can. Whatever they can say to score points at his expense, they'll say, regardless of how hypocritical, senseless or flat-out inaccurate it is.
I pick Crash.
I'm testing this out on my iPod touch right now and the damn thing's giving me an error alert that won't go away, which means that I'm going to have to reboot the whole device. Grrr…
The sad part is, I might not have much choice either, given what the social dynamics where I live are like. The majority of the under-30s have been coupled off already, and most of those who aren't are transitioning into or out of something, so the chances of meeting anyone who's actually available in day-to-day life…
You just made me picture Gene Siskel beating off Roger Ebert. I don't know how to feel about this.
Sometimes it takes a while to figure shit out and people inevitably hit on or come to bum conclusions. Just ask @idiotking.
Pretty much how I feel.
Not this arsehole. Online dating's not really my style.
Well anyway, how is your sex life?
*grabs iPod, calls up Siri*
Fairly often. @idiotking is a noted oversharer, but he hasn't spent as much time telling stories lately. I missed them, to be honest.
Have you ever given any thought to writing a proper memoir at all?
Only very few people ever make it there, and of those who claim to have done so, a lot of those are either lying or sadly mistaken. And just because you do get there doesn't mean things aren't going to come crashing down all around you.
Um, what were you doing stalking him on cam4?
Eh, I don't know about that. I was raised Catholic — or, to put it in a more honest and accurate light, my parents attempted to give us a Catholic upbringing and did the most half-assed job possible — and I had to check Wikipedia before any bells went off.
That would be something worth shooting for. It'd probably kill you in the process, but there are far worse ways to die than by coitus.
My first instinct was to tell you to stop bogarting the pony plushies, but on closer inspection, the eyes are a bit off and the horns look like turds. Something there is giving me pause.