Some Random Arsehole

I for one welcome our new spambot overlords.

And now, for the first time in my life, I'm starting to feel sad about having been circumcised as a baby.

That's our @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus!

Disqus has an amazing talent for fucking things up. These days, trying to click on an up arrow just refreshes the page instead at least half the time.

I just might do the same with "blanket hornpipe," "blown grounsils" and "the joining of giblets" (which appears in other NV3 posts).

I could care less what D'Angelo thinks. I'm in based on the headline alone.

I'm of two minds on the upvote messages. On one hand, it's a lot quicker and easier than going through old posts to check the upvote counters on them, but on the other, it's the kind of thing that slippery slopes are made of. They're almost guaranteed to bring out some of an Internetter's lesser instincts.


The Boondock Saints is one of those movies I enjoyed at the time but don't remember too well and have no reason to believe that it'd hold up to a repeat viewing.

Well, there's no telling what horrors await me in the near future, but now that it's almost September, the mathematical odds seem to favor the worst being behind me as opposed to yet to come.

Did it have anything to do with a coathanger?

Well, he does have some pretty stiff competition from @Nudeador Viking the Third to look forward to. He might have to go full-on ZODIAC TWINKFUCKER when he whips out the "idiotking's penis" gimmick again if he's that serious about winning.

I'd volunteer for that, but I haven't really played anything more recent than Ruby and Sapphire.

There are a few, but none of them are bug moves. Grasswhistle, Sleep Powder and Spore are Grass moves, Hypnosis is Psychic (as is Rest), Yawn, Relic Song, Lovely Kiss and Sing are all Normal and Dark Void is Fighting (actually, I'm lying through my face, it's a Dark-type move).

The move is called Rest, actually. I don't know what Dikachu's movepool is like (I keep forgetting to ask him), but even if he doesn't learn it naturally, he should be able to by TM or tutoring.

Well, my mental condition's been a little precarious lately. I've been having kind of a rough year so far — personal and professional setbacks, foiled moving plans, all the ugliness with my sister — and there are still four more months to go and if things are looking up from here going forward, it's only by comparison.

Sounds like me, only with a greater deal of emotional scars. Hell, a few of those wounds still seethe with the same intensity they did the day they were inflicted.


I liked it when I first saw it, but I don't know if I'd feel the same way the second time around.

I was thinking the same thing, so maybe we're both crazy.