Some Random Arsehole

Did you forget to sign in as @The Archmage of the Aether?


I know a guy who fits that bill almost to the letter.

As long as the AV Club is still around, I don't think I'll ever need another message board or comment section to haunt. I've never seen this much interpersonal camaraderie anywhere else, online or offline, and even the people would be community-killing cancers on any other site are just another part of the local

Yes, that omission was a misstep at best (and a tactical error at worst). I don't know if something somewhere got left on the cutting room floor before the column went to press or if Dan had some kind of personal reason or ulterior motive for not bringing it up, but even a passing mention of professional counseling

All kidding aside, I second what @Dorian_Mode:disqus said. Also, both of you would do well to remember that while you may not be masters of the sex game, with enough time, patience and proper communication, you'll improve.

The response to SITTERS's letter was, to put it delicately, FUCKING DISTURBING. To Dan's credit, he could have done a lot worse with it, but that's beside the point.

Not about to see your film
And if you want to find court with me
I can show you what it's like

My reading list is long enough as it is, but sure. Recommend away.

Ah yes. I bought a pack of cloves recently (which are expensive even for cigarettes; they were more than six bucks and you only get 12 as opposed to the standard 20) and ripped through them all in about a week. They were absolutely lovely. They also go pretty nice with menthols; try it sometime if the chance presents

My parents were kind of like that. The diverging point from the usual narrative is that it took my dad, whose family was Lutheran, about 20 years after marrying my born-and-raised-Catholic mom to get confirmed.

Used to be that way with me too. I've been an off-and-on, mostly social/recreational smoker for about 6 1/2 years now and it's only been since last fall or so that I've been able or willing to smoke more than a couple in a day, much less at once. Coincidentally, that was right around the time I first discovered the

Um, I was outside, actually. Guess I should have made that a little clearer.

That was the best joke response out of the lot.


You mean people still wear JNCO clothes in 2014?

A round of applause for @avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus, everyone!

Pretty highly. Arguably the best thing Spielberg has ever done. And, for the record, the Liquidation of the Ghetto sequence makes anything Dario Argento, George Romero, Roman Polanski or any of their esteemed peers have ever done look like the G3 My Little Pony cartoon by comparison.

Sounds to me like she needs to get the damning helling FUCK away from her parents/family (if she hasn't already) and cut them out of her life entirely pronto if that's how it is. THAT KIND OF FAMILY DYNAMIC IS NOT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE TOLERATED. EVER.

[/digs out battered copy of It, turns to page 540]