Some Random Arsehole

Waiting for @Dikachu and @idiotking like the rest of us, I presume.

I can dig it.

Sure it is. Having a friend or two like that is a good thing regardless of what your relationship status is like.

I put in for a job at a strip club today, had an anxiety attack (the job-hunting process is and always has been hell on my nerves for reasons I don't feel like going into right now) and then I ducked into a bar and smoked like twelve or thirteen cigarettes in the space of an hour.


That's happened to me before. Sometimes you don't feel it all until you have to get up and walk around for a bit, like to the bathroom or the car, for instance.

Or laxatives.

I keep telling myself that the next time someone tries to convert me, I'm going to tell them I'm a Satanist (even though I'm not) just to troll them. But I always end up avoiding them in the first place, either by not answering when they come to the door or keeping my headphones on and not talking to them when I see

I doubt that most of the people writing in are at all familiar with Savage Love. Why else would this same fucking question keep coming up every other week?

One of my greater pop-culture secret shames is this: I bought a copy of Atlas Shrugged when I was 19. I didn't know what it was at the time, my prior knowledge of Ayn Rand's philosophy and body of work pretty much began and ended with the film version of The Fountainhead and I was curious about her ideas and whatever

I've only gotten to play VF2 once since my Saturn gave up the ghost, but at least it was on an arcade machine that time.

You had a Super Nintendo, the console that gave us Earthbound and Super Mario World, and nothing to play on it but Primal Rage? Sounds like something straight out of a Simpsons-esque vision of ironic hell to me.

My attitude has always been Princess Toadstool or GTFO.

The title track alone makes Marquee Moon one of the greatest guitar albums of all time.

I was just about to go back and add a stipulation that I didn't mean "FUCK HIM TO HELL" in a sexual sense, but I decided that it would be funnier if I left it alone.

I second @Gentileman:disqus and @Dorian_Mode:disqus. Every word.

They've been getting in pretty quickly as of late, but it could still be as late as eight or nine tomorrow morning their time before either one shows up.

Worth a double-like just for the twist at the end.

"I don’t want anything to do with that scene. I was down for some traditional cheating, not this kinky shit."

Do you want me to order a pizza?