babble rabble

This episode tricked me. When I read the plot summary a few weeks ago, I thought that Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven would hunt down a monster in the temple and, by the end of the episode, the monster would be REFORMED into its original gem state. I was expecting a lore-heavy episode, but it'd be weird to get one so

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.

Peace in the Middle East, holmes!

Young Arnold versus Old Arnold? Bless.

I think that two minute trailer just showed me the entire movie.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Jimmy was wearing the same suit that he had on in the first episode. If that's the case, I like how he came full circle. He's in the same suit, rehearsing lines that he thinks will impress people like he did in episode 1, but then he realizes that it's all horse shit and drives

I was not ready to hear the word "gemosona" said out loud and on my TV.

But you'll get to be the breakout character of the world's greatest TV show that will earn you an incredible spin off series of your very own. Isn't that what you want?

with any luck, chuck will fuck the duck because he sucks.

I about busted my TV throwing Golden Globes and Emmys at the screen by the end of the episode.

Et tu, Chuck?

We sail tonight for Singapore…

If actors aspire to gain fluidity in their performances, then I suppose one could go from "wooden" to "pulpy" over the years.

Yeah, alright, Duchovny. He and I both know that his acting talent peaked in "Gender Bender" when, at the end of the episode, Mulder blithely told Scully that the Monster of Week had escaped down the stairs. "Scully, down the stairs…" our hero said without even attempting to get up to help his partner. Shakespearean.

Let us be a DJ!

I think he's supposed to be ten, eleven, or twelve years of age.

I really liked that too. Like the review pointed out, Steven is one of those characters that would be bullied for who he is and what he does. If he wasn't bullied, he'd at least be shunned or considered "weird". What's great about the world of Steven Universe is that everyone loves and accepts him in one way or

Remarkable how a show can kick my ass and make me laugh.

Ah, yes. The per-eh-dot memes…

After Connie's tirade against the end of the book series, I realized I'd be very good friends with her…