babble rabble

*Disgusting, pitiful tears of misery*

Disney: We are morally and creatively bankrupt, so let's just make live action adaptions of our classic animated features
The public sheeple: *Roars in delight* *Fistfuls of money pumped into the air*

He's basically every fedora-wearing, internet-dwelling weeabo that take their weird interests out into the public sphere and make everyone uncomfortable. It's pretty reasonable that you find him off-putting.

The way Pearl said Connie's name when she came to the temple to find Steven sounded almost like she forgot who Connie was. "Oh, hello… Connie?"

Good theory.

I thought her gem was on the palm of her hand like Ruby's?

Featuring the fantasy queen dominatrix Khalteasi! She'll turn your Tyrion Lannister into a real Khal Drogo!

I religiously listen to Nujabes while I work. There are great instrumental versions of his songs on Youtube that are extended to hour-length eargasms. Check him out if you're into hip hop, jazz, electronic, or lounge since he experimented with all of them and often blended and bent genres to create a very mellow

Yeah, I'm sure that's the case. In an interview, Alan Moore talked about how starting out writing short five or six panel strips for underground comics really taught him the value of brevity in storytelling. Not only would working on eleven minute episodes require a different skill set than episodes twice as long, I'm

God. They are so *good*.

I know what you mean, but each episode can only be about eleven minutes. They have to deliver a story and wrap it up in what usually amounts to half the time of your average anime. With the depth of story SU is aspiring to have, I wish the network would be open to possibly extending the run time to twenty two minutes

Someone has to be there to KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD.

Rebecca Sugar and the Crewniverse have created the most aspiring and visionary cartoon of the last ten years. I really have to applaud their attention to character and story that, I think, surpasses their peers. (As much as I love Adventure Time and Gravity Falls, I just don't think they ascend to the heights of

I absolutely adore Terry Pratchett. Pratchett not only inspired me to become a writer, I often say he *taught* me how to write. His death means the world has lost one of its greats; for me, his death means I won't be able to read another Sam Vimes book. Fare-thee-well, Sir Terry.