
Oh, not an idiot! I only knew Alex Price was a different guy because I've seen him in the Father Brown mysteries (yes, I will watch anything with British accents). I was actually thinking maybe it was going to be just Rory's voice or something like that. All that wondering did make the reveal even better.

You know, I realized just after I wrote that that I was being a little unfair. Hartnett is keeping up just fine. I just have such a knee-jerk reaction against the idea of "Josh Hartnett, Competent Actor."

I am a Rory Kinnear crazy-lady superfan, so I had spent most of the first two episodes wondering where the hell he was. I didn't expect his entrance to be quite so grand. He is going to be amazing.

I've seen Simon Russell Beale onstage a few times, but never ever on tv, so I practically squealed when he popped up last week. This cast is amazing, Josh Hartnett notwithstanding.

I honestly watched it three times before I totally understood that he wasn't emerging out of him somehow.

I was just going to post Stephen Fry. I can't even explain the affection and admiration I have for him—he's basically my favorite human. That last suicide attempt made me realize that his death will hit me like the loss of a family member. Except that I like him way more than most of my family.

Is that what I'm saying? I'm not pretending to know what happened, like, factually. I'm also not pretending to know why the people who support Woody do so—I'm assuming it's not so that they can feel like better people.

It really isn't. The only difference I guess is that I can imagine a single criminal act more easily than I can imagine twenty years of maintaining a lie.

It's also just….strange that he seems to think that the only objection anyone could have had to his relationship with Soon-Yi was the age difference. He presents Mia's marriage to a similarly older man as totally equatable.

That's exactly how I feel, as well. If there is benefit of the doubt to extend, I'd rather it go to Dylan.

This is one that I keep *almost* watching lately. I'm not sure I can actually handle watching anything with PSH right now—the thought of watching, say, Magnolia, at the moment sounds like inviting pain. But I'm looking forward to watching it soon.

Yeah, the HIS DARK FINAL DAYS shit is starting to roll in now, and it makes me watch to punch someone.

It's crazy to think how funny that seemed just a few days ago, right?

That was such a lovely clip to show in his memory. I cried when I saw it. Again. Some more.

I have such a problem with Weide's article and his snide, condescending tone. This is an actual quote:

No, no, it was totally me being dense.

Proof that I'm a doofus: I've been staring at this comment trying to work out why kids are writing English papers about this episode. What class would that be for? How is she privy to them?

Yeah, she really hit the ground running as a character—I felt like she'd kind of always been there really quickly. I'm not in love with the vague spy backstory, but I can see that it opens up a lot of potential for her as a character in the future beyond just being a cool and supportive wife/friend.

Yeah, as much as I enjoyed this episode overall, I really wish they had handled the Magnussen reveal differently. It just made Magnussen look a little dumb, after spending 90 minutes showing us how not-dumb he was.

I am really tired of the constant, constant "meta" refrain. I really love this show, but I don't follow it online or know anything about fanfiction (beyond the basics), and I don't read every plot point as some sort of winking self-reference. Some of the things that have been called fan service or "written by