the rationalist

Hey, Ross—you mistyped 12 as 22.

Excuse me—"I Got Love," from "Purlie!"

My worst Broadway experience was Purlie!, based on Purlie Victorious. I have a vague idea of the story, but the actors all used fake Southern accents, with the added problem of "slave dialect" since it was nearly an all-black cast, and it was impossible to understand about 90-95% of what anyone said.
The only reason

Beck's mouth was made for Lewinskiing.

Sylvester Stabone.
Back then, who knew?

What happened to HoneyBunchesofScrots?
Or however he spelled his name.

My thoughts exactly, 3rd prize. All those mortgage wankers running around free, just not right.

Great clip, but it's not Jacobi doing the dancing. John Hurt.

I thought Brando was miscast, too—nothing like his master turn in Guys & Dolls.

The BBC did a radio version recently with Jacobi as Augustus.

If only Tony Dow had known this about 40 years ago.

There was Amos & Andy, but the less said about it, the better.

Unfortunately, the first few years (up to grade 7, generally) have to be rote memorization because that's the way the brain works. Critical thinking isn't a viable option until seventh grade on, when it's absolutely essential.
Too much of public school curriculum now, though, is to continue the rote memorization after

You know that horrible feeling you get when a friend or relative shows you some work of art they're proud of and it 's so bad you just can't say anything and you're afraid your face shows what you're really thinking?

flynn, I agree with you.

Your uncle isn't a concert pianist, is he?

Every time one of them got a girlfriend, she died. Every time. The women were like the Red Shirts on Star Trek.

My first thought is the Zerbe episode too, and it was one good twin who actually was a priest and an evil twin who failed at being a priest and instead became a criminal who disguised himself as a priest and then killed and robbed travellers.
I thought Gunsmoke was horrible when I was a kid, but when I grew up and

Arness was one of tv's megastars because of Gunsmoke, and his brother Peter was Jim on Fury, a kid's show about a horse.
Nice horse, though.
20 years of Gunsmoke v. how many years of MI?

Ernest Borgnine is still alive…and there's always Vigoda. There's always Vigoda.