the rationalist

I haven't been there since the early '70s.  Went to Wagner for 2 years.

When did Staten Island get a zoo?  And is Clove Acres still there?

Seriously, it hasn't been all that long since cock fighting was abolished (legally) in Texas, and a lot less long in Louisiana.
Then all the people who had game cocks "for their pretty colors" suddenly didn't think they were so pretty anymore.  I ended up with a flock of 4 dozen dumped chickens at my house, shortly

There's a Lugosi film where's he's the hero, Chandu the Magician or something like that.  A rare departure from what American studios forced him into.

Only the ones who didn't get that Tar-zhay was a joke.

Missoni—bringing back an annoying style from the '70s.

Not at all.  He was in all respects an ideal student, one of the best I had that semester, so my reaction to him was, dare I say, irrational.  And I've never understood what was wrong with me in his case.

I meant lines as in her dialogue, in the show, when she was speaking to other characters. I think it's fair to believe that someone chosen as poet laureate wouldn't say "between you and I" or the equivalent.

I meant lines as in her dialogue, in the show, when she was speaking to other characters.  I think it's fair to believe that someone chosen as poet laureate wouldn't say "between you and I" or the equivalent.

They're pretty hard to understand when you're the teacher, too. I had a student once who was smart, hard-working, respectful in class, even good-looking, and I just couldn't stand him. I've never known why, either.

What bothered me about Ms. Poet Laureate was grammatical errors in her lines, and I've never been sure if they were accidents or on purposes.

"But just as it seemed like nothing gold on the Internet could stay,"

I've had a dream for years of an updated version of Jailhouse Rock with a good rock singer and a smokin house band to make the bridge a thing of wonder and beauty. Like the old SNL band when the pony-tailed guy was leading and playing guitar. A ten or fifteen minute bridge.

Allusions to classical mythology and Robert Frost—folks, I think we got ourselves an English major.

I have My Gorgeous Life.

Tap, with Gregory Hines.

The episode I meant was about an abandoned baby. Opie finds it, wants to keep it, heart-warming hilarity ensues.

I have a video of Young Tiger, and he looks about 18 years old.

The earliest Nicholson I've seen is in the last scene of an Andy Griffith Show. He hardly has any dialogue.

I bet you're looking forward to The Bodyguard remake, with Beyonce. How can it fail?