the rationalist

Got to agree, phodreaw. I just reread GWTW a few months ago (after having read it as a teenager or something), and I was surprised at how racist it was, and how she pushed the idea of the "happy darkies a'singin' in the fields" sort of bullshit.

If John Belushi had lived, we might have been spared the oeuvre of Jim Belushi.

The Office, starring Phil Hartman.

Point of reference:
"Curious George" is a mischievous monkey from a popular children's book series. He is not a chimp or any other type of ape. His habit of destroying what he's curious about makes the connection between him and former President Bush the Younger not just apt but obvious.
If Curious George had been,

I can see this as a double feature with Fireproof.

Get out the tin snips.

One of the advantages of having a lousy life is not being especially nostalgic for any of it.
Makes it easier to pack, too.

Conservatives seem to adhere to the "special relationship" with god theory that allows them to do anything/everything they want to do without worrying about going to hell.
It's not just conservatives, of course, but they seem to be the most smug about it.

Mr. Belvedere did a pedophile episode, too. Wesley at a summer camp.
I liked Mr. Belvedere.

On the script writer's planet, yes.

James Garner is easily as manly, or even more manly, than Burt Reynolds.

I remember the Jason Segel dance contest episode of Freaks and Geeks. So painful.

Hulu has Muppet movies. Maybe some show episodes, too, but I don't know.

I am in favor of Muppet domination. Life would have to be better.

Rabin says she wasn't fired. Who you gonna believe—IMDb or Rabin?

It's good for kids to do chores to earn their own spending money.

Ribeiro was doing Broadway (The Tap Dance Kid) before Fresh Prince. And he was in the audience at Dancing with the Stars occasionally. He's probably not hurting for money.

A lot of us here remember Sledge Hammer. It came up in a discussion just last week.

Yet "show's" didn't bother you?

Now we know why Trump gave up his presidential aspirations.