the rationalist

But this review contained this gem: "the show should have been called Beckett, which would have also had the virtue of tipping viewers who know their literary references off as to how cheerful it was going to be."

He needs to call in Mr. Badalamenti. It's the only thing that will save this venture.

It's an homage to either Eraserhead or Lyle Lovett, not sure which.

Earthly Powers.
If you can get the complete Enderby—there's a one-volume version—then do Enderby next.
Dead Man in Deptford is good, too; it's about Christopher Marlowe, who was the subject of Burgess doctoral dissertation (whatever they call it in England). All Burgess' original work on the subject was blown up by a

I'm good for a few if there is.

Mo is scratched, if that helps you any, and I'm sure it doesn't help at all, but whatcha gonna do, right?

Why didn't I ever get students like that?

Tarkovsky's AD: The Tedious Years.

I loved Dinosaurs. It's a throwback to the old cartoons that were simple for children and complex for adults.

It's Tarkovsky's AD's autistic sibling.

I don't like ham, except in soups that require ham.

Was it the homage to Hitchcock Sledge Hammer? That was my favorite.

TomWaitsforSnowman. I always liked that one.

He's too big to be a SEAL.

I did, yes.

Chameleons are green and have big pop-eyes, so they lose both ways.

So you're saying they could bring in Valerie Harper to take Sheen's place? Could work.

Lots of actors from All My Children and One Life to Live are looking for work.

Great hair, though, if you mean the one who played Grace. Whoever she is.

Everything about Verne Troyer makes me sad, and that damned sex video has burned itself into my retinas for all gruesome eternity.