the rationalist

There is still hope that this turns out to be an elaborate April Fool's Day prank meant to stir up the public, etc., and that Garner will be starring in some other Disney movie about a female detective.

There would be a way to do it, but not with an actress who looks like Garner. There's no way she wouldn't have married someone in Victorian England if she looked like Garner.

Chief Inspector Japp could be the father that Poirot never had, etc.

Just wrong, on so many levels.

I like McEwan, too, but she's just a little too sweet looking to be Miss Marple, imo. Too nice. I want my Miss Marple to reflect the depths of human depravity that she has plumbed.

Suchet has Ben Kingsley-type eyes. Big and brown and slightly moist when he's looking sentimental. Funny how attractive that can make him.

I prefer Hickson, too. She's old enough, and almost fluffy enough.

You can always get a Marple or Poirot fix on youtube. With a choice of Marples. So far, I prefer Joan Hickson; she's really old, as Marple should be.

I used to listen to Shepherd every night, and he did a live show at my college, too.
Next I'll tell you about the time I sat on a folding chair behind the Knicks' bench for one game. Close enough to get sweat on!

With all due respect, Eric Kahn, dogs that don't exercise regularly don't run worth a shit. I'm no fan of greyhound racing, but wherever you got that tidbit from is wrong.

In God We Trust (All Others Pay Cash) or something like that.
Now that you mention it, that's a book I read as a child that I didn't really get till I reread it as an adult.
Jean Shepherd was quite a big deal back when, in NYC.

"The poorhouse is just around the corner."

I can't understand the math joke, but it reminds me of watching Shakespeare in Love in the theatre and being the only person who got the John Webster joke.

It's all about the comments anyway, so why complain? Except as a comment.

The announcement on public radio this morning started, "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Elizabeth Taylor," etc. Steve Inskeep, maybe. And he sounded just a bit choked.

Dutch Treat

Pennsylvania Butch Bar.

Is "woah" supposed to be "whoa"? Sorry to have to ask. It took me a while to catch on the "walla" for "voila," too.

How else do you ensure a cheap labor force? Someone has to clean the house, take care of the kids, and mow the lawn—you don't expect Republicans to do it themselves, do you?
Also, the ongoing need of fresh cannon fodder.

A devoted fan of Bluegrass Breakdown, undoubtedly.