the rationalist

Tap, starring Gregory Hines. Also has a fantastic line-up of some of the great old tap dancers from back when, including Sammy Davis, Sandman Sims, Honi Coles, and more.
It grossed less than $10 million in the theatres, to which I contributed my $5 or whatever it was back then. And it's nowhere near as bad as I

There was a one-season reality show called The Family, about an Italian family from NYC battling each other for a million dollar prize.
Hamilton was the host. It was a fun show, and he was fun, too.
For the title, they used the same font as The Godfather.

Not as subtle as Hamilton's wardrobe in Zorro the Gay Blade.

Which is the one where he ends up with a swordfish sticking through his gut, front to back, at the very end?
That one was a very un-JerryLewisy kind of Jerry Lewis movie.

Kind of makes you think that Dino had the right idea.

Who is his ally? Not Lisa Marie, not likely.

The Lincoln's Birthday segment of Holiday Inn. It's no wonder Bing went home and beat up his kids.

Adam Sandler, Larry the Cable Guy, Chris Rock.
(Not serious about Chris Rock, but it would be interesting. Then again, so would Jackie Chan.)

Which is the bigger fantasy?
Garcia: "Until the second time they watch it, and they say, 'My God, that director's a genius!'"
That people will think he's a genius, or that anyone will watch this more than once?

It is about Franco.

I checked some youtube vids of the hearings and couldn't find what I referred to.
After Welch reams McCarthy, there's just this gradual return to normality. There's a palpable feeling you get from watching it, seeing life going back to normal; it's hard to describe. McCarthy had so much power, and then suddenly he

What do you think? Yellow curtains, or should I go with beige?

Nice to see Kelsey Grammer before he went right-wing crazy.

i and 1, try to find a video of Welch's takedown of Joe McCarthy during the McCarthy hearings. Lots of people have seen the brief "no sense of decency" clip, but some years back I saw the entire version, maybe 20 minutes long, which includes the takedown and the immediate aftermath, in which you actually see McCarthy

In real life, John Kerry lost his chance at the presidency during the second or third debate, when he had a golden opportunity to go off-message but after a moment's hesitation, he stuck with the script.
God. Four year's less of George Bush. What a missed opportunity.

What surprised me was how good-looking he used to be. Ah, youth.

Dear Meta-Critic—
Get all the sleep you can now, because you will not get much at all after the babies arrive.

I just saw an old Prime Suspect with Peter Capaldi as a transvestite. I didn't even recognize him, and he's the one I was looking for. Talk about disappearing into a character.

Dabney Coleman's "No wonder she didn't like me" or words to that effect. It was the moment I really understood that type of person, the complete egotist. Or solipsist, whichever is better.
One of my all-time favorite movies.
"Look in the yellow pages under cattle prods."
Most of the soap opera scenes were Dorothy going

Isn't a swede also a turnip? It would explain a few things.