the rationalist

The William Shatner School, then?

Still, how often do you find a double misspelling? Not just using the wrong word, but misspelling the wrong word as well?

I like this one:
'This book—-and I use the word loosely—-once again proves what I've been telling people, ever since the television program first aired. "You don't believe in evolution? Just watch ten seconds of any episode—-or read the first page of this terrible piece of moronic trash. And then tell me that

I think you've just put your finger on this year's Juggalo funfest. Special guest, Snooki.
Somebody make this happen.

Harrison Bergeron—as usual, Vonnegut got it right.

TC Boyle
made the same mistake with Riven Rock. He moved the focus of the story of Stanley McCormack to one of McCormack's "handlers" rather than focusing on McCormack and his wife.
Incidentally, Riven Rock would make a great movie as long as it was about the McCormacks.

Variation on a theme.

If Gilligan screwed Mary Anne and Ginger and produced children by each, and then screwed the girls and on and on, with years of inbreeding, you'd get Juggalo Island.

Not the Sabu who played Mowgli, then? How disappointing.

Wait Wait, Dirtbike.

What I remember is that every time I went to Slim's, Whiskey River was the #1 song, then probably Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. A Willie Nelson fan with a sack of quarters, probably.

Rent-to-buy Keith?

Speaking of lost material…
There's no Louis the Wonder Dog available online, and it should be.
That dog was on many different variety programs, the Tonight Show included, and there's never been another dog act like him.
People who never saw Louis just can't imagine what they've missed.

the Fat Lady
How fat would someone have to be, nowadays, to be the Fat Lady in a carnival? This one in the movie just looks like someone who'd use a scooter in Walmart.

It's on youtube, and it is creepy. An old man's voice. Makes it worse, somehow.

Interesting and telling Hartford story:
After his public success as Glen Campbell's "sidekick" on The Goodtime Hour, or whatever it was, CBS offered Hartford his own tv show. He was supposed to be a private detective, probably one who played the banjo or something.
Hartford turned it (and a sizable paycheck) down

Frere-Jones, and no, it doesn't.

The double-play of Aereo-Plain and Morning Bugle are the holy grail for Hartford fans. An unopened CD of either can go for over $100 on eBay.