the rationalist

Josey, if that version isn't already on youtube, you are required by all that's decent to put it on there yourself.

John Hartford
Do a piece on John Hartford. You owe it to yourself.
Acid bluegrass. And so much more.

Usually I shop every two weeks, so I hit the register with a pretty full cart.
I always tell people with a few things to go ahead of me.
Besides being the polite thing to do, it gives me time to get my cart unloaded.

Abe Vigoda and Kirk Douglas—they just keep going.

My favorite, also.

Kind of makes you wish he'd go all recluse like Prince, doesn't it?

Maybe it should have been "all around bread like bagels"?

CB, are you thinking of Cleveland?

Who needs Mercer or Porter or Gershwin?

It just wasn't the same without IES Chang. Bringing in Other Asian Guy didn't work.

"Her bowel movement was so large that it scared me. But then, luckily, it turned out to be her liver."

You can find older Foreman grills at estate sales, because they tend to last a pretty long time. I have one. Can't say anything about the new ones, though.

Stoppard was the script doctor on SIL, just as Shakespeare had been a script doctor 400 years or so before. I rather liked that.
If you're familiar with Stoppard's work, you recognize a lot of SIL, like when Shakespeare is talking to his apothecary. The dialogue is pure Stoppard.
The best thing about SIL for me was

He's Italian. He's got to talk with his hands.

One of the best gritty movies ever.

Oh, do you have a girlfriend now?

James Dean did love to chew the scenery, but he could be very affecting, and he was sexy as hell.

I didn't know, and I was still watching tv then.

This American Life has done some killer Halloween shows. The worst I remember was a woman who was attacked by a rabid raccoon, and then she couldn't find anyone to give her the damn rabies shot so she wouldn't develop rabies and die a horrible, agonizing death.