the rationalist

How long before this ends up in film classes?
Maybe just in France, but still.

Gary Busey, for what happens next.

Gary Busey. It's just a dream.

A Woody Allen balloon! Genius!

A pageant…of fashion.

27 Obscure Inventories

Where the hell did my father buy gas? I don't remember any of this stuff.

An album called Thirty Years After.

Call me old fashioned
All the Beatles alive and healthy, getting back together to do an album.

'The only parts of Here's The Situation that feel like they emanated from the mind of Sorrentino are segments clearly demarcated as a "Real Life Situation."'

No Louis the Wonder Dog for sure.

And I've seen some pictures of that "mountain" with a young family with two toddlers, at the top and then coming back down. It's a tourist place that anyone who can go up a couple of flights of stairs can manage.
It even has a parking lot at the base.
The pictures were posted by a rock climber who's been all over the

It has something to do with lorries.

Paul Anka? Is she having his baby?

Lloyd Bentsen is also dead, but still smarter than Palin.

Reins of power, reins, reins, reins. Not reigns.

I heard recently that the French think Edgar Allen Poe is the greatest author in English of all. Better than Shakespeare, etc.

Keenan Wynn as Lippy the gangster in Kiss Me Kate.
He sings! He dances! With William Bendix, no less.
A fun part in a good movie.

If her father was a dentist
why did she have such horrible buck teeth? Didn't Daddy know an orthodontist?