the rationalist

Is there a GeriatricsILF?

If you find Louis anywhere, please post a link. I haven't been able to find anything—I thought for sure he'd be on youtube, but even googling hasn't helped.
Louis was a brown and white spaniel, but I don't know what kind. Bigger than a cocker. Beautifully trained dog, though. His trainer would put him in ridiculous

So bad it's good
"In one of Martin's showbiz histories, he read about the "so bad it's good" act—entertainers who'd sing and dance poorly on purpose, to energize the crowd—and he gradually began incorporating more mistakes and pointedly dopey punchlines into his usual routine of magic tricks, juggling, and

Yes, Pepe. I hated him, and then I loved him.

Burl! How you doing?
There should be a Burl Muppet.


In that clip, Prince looks like the love child of Mr. Spock and Martha Graham.

David Keith was terrific in High Incident. Pretty much everyone was.
Even the guy who played Balki, even though he was on once or twice.

Yes, and it had extra flavor.

Sweet Clam, you should look for some of the movies made for this type of audience. There's one called Harley, starring Lou Diamond Phillips (the shame), and it's glorious in its ineptness.
Now, there's a direction for Phase 3 of My Year of Flops—Christian propaganda movies. There's another with Kim Darby that I was

I just can't go along with that, Pgood. I grew up watching old movie musicals on tv, and MJ is nowhere near the professional dancers of old. Even in his videos, he's not as good as the professionals he surrounds himself with. Still, he was the star and had the power, and that's enough for most people.

We welcome our suction cup overlords? That one?

The Missouri Breaks—was that a flop? It would be an interesting entry, Marlon in a dress.

Partially decayed at time of death, too, which is a bit of a time saver.

She Came to the Valley, aka Texas in Flames.
Worst thing I've ever seen.
What about The Keep? Was that a box office disaster? Or is it a cult film now?

Am I the only person who doesn't think MJ is that great a dancer, or just the only one who says it out loud?
What I see is a few good moves and lots of poses, over and over.

The Thriller video is about 10 minutes too long.

Why are so many presidential relatives embarrassments?

Tom Ripley.
The protagonist of The Ax.

timshel—thou mayest? East of Eden?