the rationalist

Steerpike, I think you've answered my question about Pastorelli.

Trevor Eve tends to be pretty great in everything he does.

Angie Dickinson count?

No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, set in Botswana.
BBC has a radio version of the Ma Ramatswe stories with an actress—every time she starts talking about Botswana, I want to pack and head for the airport.

Until Palin gets knocked up by The Situation, anyway.

If being unable to move was a deal breaker, about a third of prior contestants would have been barred.
Looking at you, Wayne Newton.
And Billy Ray Cyrus, and John Ratzenburger, and Master P…oh, I can't go on. How long did I watch that show?

I would pay to see her humiliated on DwtS.

I used to watch, but after the hot guy from Sex in the City lost to Shawn Johnson—if that's her name—I just lost all interest.

Well, Hasselhoff is one of them…

Bill Murray and Steve Martin for the fathers?

So is duct tape.

Robin Williams and Billy Crystal. If you're gonna bomb, make it a really big bomb.

Wouldn't it be worse if you jumped in front of a train when people were on their way home after work?

I liked the premise a lot better when it was What's the Worst That Could Happen? by Donald Westlake.

Eh. Angels dancing on pinheads.

Nice one, Wade.

And isn't it nice, now, knowing that "Dr." Laura went into a racist frenzy, throwing the "n" word around at a caller, and got forced into resigning. At the end of her contract, but still.

Jorge, whether or not I'm supposed to feel sorry for her, I do. She's so lost, so desperate for attention (any kind, it seems) and approval.
And she's a kid.
Now, if, say, Megan Fox had played the part, I doubt whether I would have cared if she'd lived or died, but Witherspoon tapped into my own very deep well of

What about the former?

I felt terribly sorry for Reese Witherspoon's character in Election.
I thought Broderick's character was a real jerk.