the rationalist

How about dead ferrets? and dozens of live ferrets, running loose all over the place?
Happened to someone I used to know, after he was put in the hospital by a hit-and-run driver. Someone went to his trailer to "feed the ferrets," and it was straight out of Twilight Zone.

What about the blond guy from Dukes of Hazard? John something?
It was country, but he could really sing.

Once you've got the money stashed, why continue? It's not like there are all that many great movies made every year anymore.
Well, ever, but there seem to be more crap movies made than before.

Hey, at least someone finally mentioned Daniel Schorr here.

Then check the shows listing.
Or just go directly to the online site of the show.

I used to go to estate sales and buy big boxes of random assortments of books, just in hope of finding something good. (It's how I found Reginald Hill.)
Sometimes on eBay—not as much now as in times past—you'll find a box of books someone's put together, usually stacks of sci-fi or mysteries.

So, are some of you coming around to my idea of all of us fans sending him one or two pbs from our own collections?
Show of hands?

I once worked, very briefly, at one of the so-called dude ranches that were part of the Ponderosa chain Lorne Greene was involved with.

There's a Jackie Chan cop movie set in NYC, and there are mountains in some of the city shots.

There were professionals who guided wagon trains of settlers. Hence, the Wagonmaster. (Good movie, by the way.)
So Ward Bond (or his successor) could take an entire season guiding a wagon train to California, then show up for the beginning of the fall tv season with a whole new wagon train of settlers heading out to

The American West as done by Sartre.

My parents refused to get a color tv until the process had been "perfected," which I now know meant "costs less." I watched the entire original Star Trek with the belief that Spock was green.
Imagine my surprise when, sometime in the '80s, I got my first color tv and caught a Star Trek marathon one weekend.

Speaking of audience attention spans, David Wolper just died (Roots, etc.)—did he get an RIP?

Don't let the color keep you from Gunsmoke.
When I was a kid and my parents watched it religiously, I hated it.
When I grew up and it was being rerun in the afternoons, I became an addict. It really is an "adult" Western in the best sense of the word.

It did have two of Charlie's Angels before they reached that pinnacle of their careers.

The Halls all looked alike to me.

On the other hand, Dark Shadows was pretty shabby all the way around. It was more like a high school production than something done by professionals.

Well, with Dorian Lord—and the way soaps are, she could have been his step-grandmother, step-mother, step-sister and Sunday school teacher.

Andrea Lovell Hall played Electra-woman in a Saturday kid's program. Her sidekick was Dyna-girl.

And Nathan Fillion was on One Life to Live—there's that.