Conan the Contrarian

I love Blake's 7. Awesome concept for a show, a bunch of criminals/freedom fighters accidentally gain control of an advanced alien craft and use it to fight the evil empire. Some of Terry Nation's best work (better than most of his later Doctor Who scripts at least).

I love Blake's 7. Awesome concept for a show, a bunch of criminals/freedom fighters accidentally gain control of an advanced alien craft and use it to fight the evil empire. Some of Terry Nation's best work (better than most of his later Doctor Who scripts at least).

I don't think those two complaints have to be mutually exclusive. The fact that solutions were presented doesn't mean the viewer can't be disappointed that they don't correspond to the mysteries they were interested in.

I don't think those two complaints have to be mutually exclusive. The fact that solutions were presented doesn't mean the viewer can't be disappointed that they don't correspond to the mysteries they were interested in.

That only applies to plasma televisions. LCD television (fluorescent and LED) have no phosphors.

That only applies to plasma televisions. LCD television (fluorescent and LED) have no phosphors.

Vertical bars on the side of images are referred to as pillarboxing. When it's on all four sides it's windowboxing. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

Vertical bars on the side of images are referred to as pillarboxing. When it's on all four sides it's windowboxing. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

It's actually worse than that. When you're talking about a film shot at 24 fps, 120Hz tv's create FOUR entire fake frames on the fly for every one real frame from the film. It looks so bad I can't believe that there are people who don't find it objectionable.

It's actually worse than that. When you're talking about a film shot at 24 fps, 120Hz tv's create FOUR entire fake frames on the fly for every one real frame from the film. It looks so bad I can't believe that there are people who don't find it objectionable.

Very few films are mastered at 4k at this point. Even Prometheus, which was shot at 5k, was mastered at 2k. I believe even the Imax print was based off the 2k master. 4k special effects are just too expensive/time-consuming at this time, especially for FX -heavy movies.
I'm hoping The Hobbit bucks the trend and is

Very few films are mastered at 4k at this point. Even Prometheus, which was shot at 5k, was mastered at 2k. I believe even the Imax print was based off the 2k master. 4k special effects are just too expensive/time-consuming at this time, especially for FX -heavy movies.
I'm hoping The Hobbit bucks the trend and is

Oooh, shooting Red Epics I see. Can't wait to see Tobias's cutoffs in 5k!

Oooh, shooting Red Epics I see. Can't wait to see Tobias's cutoffs in 5k!

To be fair, it was celebratory champagne he was drinking. Granted, he didn't look too celebratory, but maybe he's just a sad drunk.

To be fair, it was celebratory champagne he was drinking. Granted, he didn't look too celebratory, but maybe he's just a sad drunk.

Ridley Scott only made the director's cut of Alien because he was told there would be a second version of the movie no matter what he did (not unlike Blade Runner's "director's cut").