Conan the Contrarian

Ridley Scott only made the director's cut of Alien because he was told there would be a second version of the movie no matter what he did (not unlike Blade Runner's "director's cut").

It's actually a single camera setup. Since the scene doesn't change between the two exposures, you just move the camera to where the second camera would have been.

@avclub-93e06678bf43969ed7f3b3377605aa8c:disqus It's been my personal belief that everyone who hates government that much should be required to move to Somalia for one year to bask in the paradise created by no government interference.

Yes, I watched it on Netflix and I've never heard that version of the theme.

It could be from a PAL transfer with a 4% speed up. Sometimes they aren't pitch corrected.

It's exactly the same as an antibiotic pro-microbial.

I thought later in the film it was implied that that's how they like to play, with him fake scaring her.