Conan the Contrarian

File this under shows that I vaguely remembered, but always thought was a dream. I remembered an episode with a tornado, and was pleased to discover it was real (episode 10: Blowin in the Wind). Glad it seems to hold up; might have to check it out and see what other things I recognize.

I saw it a second time just because I saw HFR the first time and wanted to try a 24 fps version (I ended up seeing the imax 3d version).

Best scene in the movie. Also the only scene where 48 fps really worked for me, for two reason:
1) I had acclimated to the strange motion characteristics by that point in the film
2) It's possibly my favorite scene in the book, and I found it so engrossing that 48 fps fulfilled its promise of "looking through a window"

I don't own any guns, but they're pretty fantastic pieces of engineering. I appreciate the mechanics of a fine gun the same way I appreciate the mechanics of a fine watch.

On gold Digger: "with Jamie Foxx once again uncannily channeling Ray Charles"

I will respectfully disagree with you. Radagast's hair was a nest, and birds don't shit in their nest.

I will respectfully disagree with you. Radagast's hair was a nest, and birds don't shit in their nest.

I had no idea the Two Towers was the "agreed-upon" best. I was under the impression everyone thought Fellowship was the strongest of the three.

I had no idea the Two Towers was the "agreed-upon" best. I was under the impression everyone thought Fellowship was the strongest of the three.

I think I read that may actually happen in part 3 (showing Gollum leaving the mountain), but I can't find the source right now. If I track it down I'll post it.

I think I read that may actually happen in part 3 (showing Gollum leaving the mountain), but I can't find the source right now. If I track it down I'll post it.

"Was Radagast really designed with his face half-covered in birdshit?"

"Was Radagast really designed with his face half-covered in birdshit?"

The movies (of which primary photography is already finished for all three, anything they're still shooting will just be pickups) were shot with a 270 degree shutter (1/64 of a second if did my math correctly), with the express purpose of maintaining the correct motion blur for the extracted 24p version.

The movies (of which primary photography is already finished for all three, anything they're still shooting will just be pickups) were shot with a 270 degree shutter (1/64 of a second if did my math correctly), with the express purpose of maintaining the correct motion blur for the extracted 24p version.

Agree on every count concerning the EE's. FOTR just has better pacing with the EE.

Agree on every count concerning the EE's. FOTR just has better pacing with the EE.

All the Irving gas stations (at least here in New England) changed to Circle K's a little while ago (2008 according to wikipedia). It also was a nice surprise to me that the franchise was real.
After that I had an excuse to quote the movie slightly more than I already did (although I miss the absurdist name Bluecanoe

All the Irving gas stations (at least here in New England) changed to Circle K's a little while ago (2008 according to wikipedia). It also was a nice surprise to me that the franchise was real.
After that I had an excuse to quote the movie slightly more than I already did (although I miss the absurdist name Bluecanoe