
Bogey in this movie gave me a real Bojack Horseman vibe. The fact that he repeatedly did bad things, tried to make up for it by, for instance, anonymously sending money to the other motorist he beat up, yet makes no attempt to change in the long run… Yeah.

Watching the movie, I could definitely tell that the story had been written by a woman. It really had all the details of being with/loving a man you're also afraid of. Now you've got me curious about h the book.

Yes, I've read it. I never got over seeing the Mr. Darcy character as a dick, and I think that people solving problems by marrying into money isn't a compelling conclusion. I enjoyed Charlotte Bronte's Wuthering Heights, I felt it had real drama and not just a pat conclusion.

I don't like Superman in general, but All-Star Superman is the only Superman related thing I know of that people consider a "masterpiece."

Oh man, I have a lot to say here. In addition to some of the ones mentioned in the article (Dark Knight, Kids A, Star Wars) I also hate Amelie (what a shitty fucking movie!), All-Star Superman (the overrated graphic novel), and Pride and Prejudice (the book, never bothered with any of the tedious-looking movies),

The Aristocrats!

Too bad she's completely overshadowed in the respect by Rosalina. Mmmm, Rosalina in her MarioKart bike outfit…

My old man kept referring to Simpson as "Budget Captain America."

Adventure Time. ADVENTURE TIME. ADVENTURE TIME! You'd have to be crazy to leave it off this list!

I could have used a few more episodes of Mr. Peanutbutter killing it at Lady Foot Locker. That was gold.

I'll sell you this one, it's almost full.

I read and really enjoyed this book. I had no idea they made a movie of it until now…too bad it doesn't sound super great, but I'd still like to check it out.

The "motor of society" indeed. The people who do that stuff are the motor of society, the upper crust are the chrome door handles.


Monster Parties, Fact or Fiction! It's the sketch I used to get my old man to take a slight interest in Mr. Show.

The man never suggested anything about Quentin Tarantino in his life!

I Can't Believe it's Not Butter for her to stay home.

I quote the Simpsons all day long, and have a quote for literally any occasion. But if I had to choose one that wasn't from the Simpsons, I would say my most-used is probably an Achewood quote: "Yo Beef! Check it out! I'm NAKED!" Which I say to my boyfriend pretty much every time I take my clothes off.

MILFs. But they're not so big.