
I wish we was going to Candy Apple island!

Americans are so litigious. I don't think the French press lawsuits every time something bad happens.

That's the jooooke

Boo and Tuckey should have left him passed out with his pants down someplace where his bosses would find him! At least then he might have been fired. MIGHT.

Didn't Boo give the screwdriver to Piper for Christmas, and Piper used it to defend herself against Pennsatucky? I'm surprised it didn't get taken away from her after the attack…did it just roll away and another inmate picked it up?

Haven't watched the next episode yet, but I hope Big Boo goes ballistic on his ass.

I've been watching it with my fiance, who isn't really that into it, and he LOST IT at that part.

I totally got a Mallory Archer vibe from Nicky's mom as well!

Come on, when the "You're all going to die" announcement finally comes on the radio, the wife heads out to grab laundry off the clothesline real quick, and her otherwise saintly husband shouts at her "Get in here, you fucking bitch!" didn't get to you at all?

I sobbed openly for the last third of this movie. Pretty much from the part where Seita apologizes to the farmer who catches him stealing food, until the end. It ruined me.

Some animals are just jerks.

Jiminy Jillikers, Radioactive Man!


I like this one because I am of the opinion that my fiance's armpits smell so good they could bring about world peace.

Using this browser is more thrilling than a weekend with Batman.

Seriously. Contrasting it with the very serious, meaty scene where Kimmy has to decide whether to tell Cyndee to leave the bunker, it really didn't work. It was frustrating.

He was also a talking toilet on Bob's Burgers. That's part of the logic.

I'm really enjoying this "iced cream."

Sounds like you're working for your car!

I've been watching this show, and my boyfriend remarked that it was like an updated version of Get a Life. Then we watched this episode, and the Daddy's Boy scene, and it was unreal how much like Get a Life it was. Chris Elliott's autobiography was called Daddy's Boy.