
Fuckin' Possum Kingdom by the Toadies.

Conflict Resolution Club. "Jocelyn, if you EVER gossip about me to Jimmy Jr, I will punch you again, and again, and again…"

Were you never a cautious virgin? Come on.

I don't have a problem with Claire's choice, it's more of a storytelling problem. I loved them as friends, and it was great to see their great teamwork and a male/female partnership that didn't end up a romance. I was pretty stoked on that until it turned into just another romance. It's just so much less compelling to

The part that's not relatable is that the two men are both hoping to be the father and raise the baby with her, trying harder and harder to get her to choose them. It's the exact opposite of what happens in real life.

It was indeed Eye of the Beholder, and I never look at the thumbnails so not even that spoiled it for me.

What about the Quran?

I've gone from Lisa to Mrs. Krabappel. Maybe later I'll be Agnes.

Bang bang Bart!

One time, I was watching an episode of the Twilight Zone when my husband came in and spoiled the ending for me. Then he says it was one of the most famous TZ episodes of all time, and he can't believe I didn't know it. It's one that the Simpsons never parodied, so of course I wasn't familiar with it. They're my only

He definitely got more developed and less dumb than he seems in the first season.

We were all thinking it, but I think that them saying it on the show was a little too on-the-nose. I wish they had left it unsaid.

Also a longtime AV Club commenter, I am Diana from the Flim Springfield blog. We walk among you like Gods. Don't feel you have to pull punches with the snarky, we're happy to be featured here and would expect nothing less.

So glad it worked out for your brother, I guess that's reason enough to force everyone in the world to make the same choice.

I've never had an abortion, but I told my husband that if I ever do, I want him to get me that balloon.

Yes, though the woman in that episode had been raped by a mind-controlling monster. I liked that in Bojack, the pregnancy was within a married couple, nothing shady going on.

I've never been pregnant, but if I became pregnant, I'd have an abortion. When I was in my 20s, I would have agonized over and felt guilty about this decision, but these days, I think it would be a much easier choice. In part because of this episode and the movie Obvious Child, which portray women making this choice

The Mouse and the Motorcycle series by Beverly Cleary!

That's the thing, though… I know the context, I just don't feel that a story about a person solving their problems by living within conventions and not breaking rules or social mores makes for a particularly compelling work of fiction.