
Like I said, it's not a dealbreaker. But the part that bugs me the most is doing any of those things in the name of MANLYYYY FREEEEEDOM!!!!

Something something, Joseph Gordon Levitt.

It's not a dealbreaker, but if a guy says his favorite book is Kerouac's On The Road, I expect he's going to try to have sex with me and then ask me for gas money to get back to his parents' garage.

Maybe Finn' dad took him but abandoned him the moment he became inconvenient.

"I dress up like Santa Claus…EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!"

Apes. But they're not so big.

I've always had the theory that Susan Strong was Finn's mom. Maybe baby Finn was taken from her and dropped in the forest by somebody? She hadn't been above the surface before so it couldn't have been her abandoning him there.

I paid attention. The most offensive part of that video was the racism, to be sure, but the second worst part was the terrible lyrics, completely unrelated to the imagery of the video, that made it seem even more unnecessary.

I wish they would send him to Candy Apple Island.

I guess Betty counts, although she is from the past.

As someone who works with kids, I laughed hard, and a lot.

No need for the thorny response.

Agreed. I think that Lou Ferrigno as Billy is another example of that.

Sexy results!

Off the top of my head, I remember a part where Bella and Anna Kendrick go shopping for prom dresses together and talk about how good the dresses make their boobs look. It passes.

As a youth, I loved Nirvana and didn't care for Green Day. I don't really listen to Nirvana anymore, but they still have an air of respectability and artistry to them that Green Day lacks. Nirvana were adults tackling adult problems. Green Day were a bunch of bored, dumb kids.

I only clicked on this headline for the inevitable hilarious derision in the comments.


My mom wouldn't let my brother and me watch Peter Pan and the Pirates after school because it wasn't educational. However, I watched Terminator 2 at least 100 times with my negligent father.

Someone else beat you to it, I remember reading about it a few years ago.