
I actually work in a library teen center. There's a lot of great YA fiction, but the fact that 90% of YA science fiction and fantasy storylines contain a prophecy is a large reason that I'm sick of it.

I noticed it in X-Men: First Class lately.

You know, I liked April's stories, but yeah, all of that marrying childhood friends rubbed me the wrong way. I was really rooting for Elizabeth and that Native American cop.

Where Shelby blesses the grape juice sword? Yeah, that was bomb.

That's a tiny horse!

Thanks to Adventure Time, that is actually totally fresh again.

How about "a character you see isn't a real person, it's a figment of the main character's imagination." That seemed edgy when Fight Club did it, but a million times later it's just lazy and annoying,

Oh yeah, plus the whole trope of the one black character getting killed first. They want to have characters of color for the sake of diversity/realism, but they can't be bothered to write an actual characterization for them, so they put in a token appearance and then get killed off. Then the story gets to go back to

I could go for no more stories where a lady realizes she has been in love all along with a boy she knew in grade school. As someone who is unable to see people I went to grade school with in a sexual way, it seems gross.

I am SO SO OVER stories where the things are explained by a prophecy. Come on. That's not interesting.

I worked at one in Phoenix too. I only packed a few double dongers and sex swings, but then again, I was working packing oversize items

There's a recent Ryan North Adventure Time comic that has Princess Bubblegum surreptitiously enjoying a game called Buns Puncher 2 on some kind of MO. It looked fun.

Is that the one where he gets the electric chair in Texas?

Cup and ball hog!

Not kidding, this was the first thing I thought of when I saw this article.

Burger Boss is basically a cooler-looking Burger Time. I hogged the Burger Time arcade machine at ZapCon last year just because of the Bob's Burgers episode.

Plus, no one's laughing when a guy has sex with his passed-out date's unconscious body, not that it was acceptable without the genders reversed.

I thought he looked like Elum from Abe's Oddysee.

She's not unhappy because he doesn't want to have sex. She's unhappy because he doesn't want her to do any kind of sexual activity, even masturbation.

Roy Cohn vs. Rory Calhoun.