
Can I have this licorice?

When I need my boyfriend to keep something on the downlow, he assures me he won't tell my mother or Rex Banner or anyone. I love him.

I know someone who has a vestigial gill. All it does is get infected occasionally. I bet it's like that.

Don't forget his anxiety about patty cake.

I always got the idea that Gene may or may not be gay, but is definitely fluid in his gender identity. There are so many times where he insists that he is a girl, or claims to have a vagina, or looks up transvestites on the internet, etc.

I went to an Alien-themed noraebang (karaoke club) in Gwangju, South Korea. It was way rad.

I only came here to say this. Gem Sweater or GTFO.

40. He just feels too old because he hadn't played anything since arcade games in the 80's and everything had changed so much that it was overwhelming for him. But he gets into solving the puzzles, even if he usually has to hand off the controller to me to beat bosses.

That scene where the swinger Dave and his wife lure that nerd into their room and come onto him was one of the most uncomfortable movie scenes I've ever viewed.

I know I'm a little late to the party, but this movie just opened in my town this week. I'm surprised that there's no mention of David Cross being hilariously cast as Allen Ginsberg's father. Everything David Cross does becomes a Mr. Show sketch to me, so I couldn't not laugh every time he was on screen.

(By the way, dudes and ladies that like to game but your significant other doesn't, teaming up on Zelda games is the way I got my too-old-for-videogames boyfriend to play with me. We just pass the controller off every few minutes and it's big fun. Majora's Mask is the 4th one we've completed.)

I somehow spent all my life without ever seeing Alien. That changed recently. I'm really glad I saw it.

Regular-sized Rudiger

I worked at Target when I was in high school and for an Amazon warehouse during a stint of looking for a better job. They were both crappy, but not THAT crappy. A lot of not letting you sit down during downtime and yelling at everyone about not taking too long a break. Probably no different from most entry-level jobs.

Why is no one bringing up the elephant in the room? I'm talking about Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage.

Maybe Christina Hendricks? Definitely zaftig, but I don't know if she's also athletic enough.

I love how in Sheesh! Cab, Bob? the transvestite prostitutes were portrayed as a positive influence on Tina, i.e. they were the ones who got her to appreciate the sacrifices Bob made for her.

Well, it was nice that he tried to stuff one of the cats in the toilet at the end.

I've had just about enough of your Vassar bashing!

I have the DVDs of seasons 1-10. Best money I ever spent.