
I also love Bob's Burgers. And I am, no joke, reading this on a library computer.

Why'd they make that one muppet out of pleather?

I'm a library assistant. I'm not here to brag about my hotness, but I will say that I first chatted up my boyfriend when he came into the teen section to look for comics.

More of me to love, ladies.

You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos!

Thanks to modern editing techniques, they can use existing footage to complete the show without Marcia Wallace!

Bring back Lisa's substitute! I'm sure Dustin Hoffman would be into it.

"My! What a large seat!"

Did anyone else think that was Scott Thompson (Kids in the Hall) in the thumbnail?

I'm currently in school to become a mechanic, and I adore Adventure Time. This makes me want to run home right now and stream this on Amazon On-demand.

I published a feminist/pop culture zine with some girlfriends at the tail-end of the nineties and beginning of the aughts, when we were in high school. I still have some copies of it and reading through them is as humiliating an experience as I've ever had. 15-year olds sharing their nascent ideas about music and

I think that instead of doing the Oscars for movies that came out that year, they should do the Oscars for the batch of movies that came out 10 years previously. That way, they will be less influenced by hype and can be seen through clearer eyes. SO MUCH would be different.

I adore Princess Cookie. I also lost it when he gets that grass crown, and everyone in the hospital kneels to him. That was the first really dark episode I saw, and it made a huge impression. All my favorites are the sad ones.

This magic keeps me alive
But it's making me crazy
And I need to save you
But who's going to save me?
Please forgive me for whatever I do 
When I don't remember you.

I can also visualize myself in a retirement home in 60 years, still getting laughing and getting teary over this show. I still laugh and get emotional over golden-age Simpsons episodes 20+ years after I first saw them.

Puhoy or GTFO. I love that episode.

Hearing Ice King sing that Cheers song while blasting away mutants so he can still have the presence of mind to swat the crown off his head afterwards makes me feel ALL the emotions.

Also, Puhoy. That's probably my #3 episode, after "I Remember You" and "Simon & Marcy." "Thank You" is #4.

I thought that exact same thing. Jake is kinda like Ray too.