
The head of Rosie from Jetsons was there!

I'm pretty sure I saw the head of Rosie from the Jetsons, a Scooby Doo mask, and one of the aliens from Toy Story hanging on the trees near the Hambo trap outside.

Worst episode ever, played on ugliest screen

Whenever Yeardly Smith is on there, she says something that leads me to believe that she's not very bright.

I'd love to read someone's take on the Kilgore Trout story about the aliens that communicate by tap dancing and farting.

I'm looking forward to finding out more about PB's and Marceline's past. Why did Marceline give PB that shirt to begin with, and why is it so special to her? She wouldn't have done it if they weren't friends at some point. They must have been close and had a falling out.

She's just mad that he blabbed about her elbow thing. She's gotta have it!

I would love it if they would do seasons that continue the flash-forwards they start in some episodes. A whole season where Bart is Bang Bang Bart! Bart as Supreme Court Justice! Lisa dating Hugh!

Owen Pallett of Final Fantasy!

I LOVE Adventure Time's take on gender. Remember that one where the cookie wanted to be a princess but got angry that PB chuckled when he said that? I love that no one ever said that he couldn't be a princess because he was a boy; that never came up. And it is similarly unremarked upon when he becomes one.

The comic is called "The Death of Gwen Stacy" and people are still going to have a shit fit, I know it.

I read a Mary Jane comic that was about her working at a hair salon and letting Spider-Man walk her home from school. It wasn't very good.

I was wondering the exact same thing. I remember being really fond of The Grey King when I was a kid.

Well, according to the lie detector, he's telling the truth. Except the part about the Mr. Show reunion. But his name is Bob Odenkirk. And he did want to have sex with a corpse.

Totally. Judy Blume is an American treasure and I was delighted to see her on here.

Ever read Someday Angeline? *sniffle*

Dude. Friggin' Just as Long as We're Together. I read that book one time in 5th grade and completely internalized so many things about it, such as the word "chartreuse" and getting a cheap phone from Crazy Eddie's. To this day I cannot see an inexpensive telephone without thinking "Crazy Eddie's," and that was just a

I worked at a place that had Playboy delivered every month (for some reason, we could never really figure out why) and I noticed that none of the women had hair shorter than shoulder-length. It definitely crushed any ambition I might have had of trying out for any sort of hot rock-and-roll-chick casting call they

Mickey, you make me laugh. Especially with this column, but especially with your amazing music.

Jack Skellington. 8-year old me was so pissed at the tacked-on Sally romance at the end.