
2 Great 2 Gatsby

She didn't actually say that her boyfriend was also 14. Could he have been legitimately taking advantage of her if he was 16 or 17?

I'd pay to read about your sexcapades with Jimmy Jr.

I read some Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney fanfic that was actually on the level of real literature. I say this as a well-read librarian who reads 50 books a year.

Do you live in Gwangju? If so I think we knew each other…there's not a ton of guys named Ramses out there.

"Fresh-squeezed juice is stupid!"

Amazon On Demand. It costs $2. Me and the old man watch them either on our Blu-Ray or our Wii the day after, though you can use a computer if you don't have that sort of device.

Apparently I do too. I don't feel much different but when Tina got all talky my boyfriend kept nudging me because apparently that's what I do when I have coffee.


Coming in 2015: 2 Great 2 Gatsby

I really like DRL, but Regular-Sized Rudy is in the running!

In Art Crawl, I really liked how Louise forked over the wad of cash she made selling those kids' paintings, without a second thought, to get Bob out of trouble with the Reflections lady. She may be a manipulative psychopath most of the time, but when it comes to her family, she can do the right thing.

I kinda want to loot you now.

Call me. But if my mother answers, hang up.

When she squeezes out a little fart to prove it smells like Bob's, and he tells her it smells like her mother's. And she's so disappointed. GOLD.

Yeah, I love Dr. Katz, but I can't watch more than 2 or 3 episodes before I start to get frustrated with Jon and Ben and their ruts.

My favorite is still "Sheesh! Cab, Bob?" from season one. My other favorites are "Spaghetti Western and Meatballs," "O.T.," "Topsy," and "My Fuzzy Valentine."

Anyone over age 25 who still thinks On the Road is amazing needs to grow up. If a guy says he likes it, I assume he's going to try to have sex with me and then ask me for gas money to get back to his parents basement.

Come on, Ethan Frome is like 100 pages.

If the elderberries are too tart, dust them with a little Tyler Perry!