
How the hell did he even get that thing up there? Did I miss something, or would that have involved carrying a massive machine to the top of a tower in only a few moments?

How the hell did he even get that thing up there? Did I miss something, or would that have involved carrying a massive machine to the top of a tower in only a few moments?

How the hell did he even get that thing up there? Did I miss something, or would that have involved carrying a massive machine to the top of a tower in only a few moments?

I agree, that bit with the cranes was stupid as hell. Plus, it would take way longer than ~8 minutes to accomplish that.

I agree, that bit with the cranes was stupid as hell. Plus, it would take way longer than ~8 minutes to accomplish that.

I agree, that bit with the cranes was stupid as hell. Plus, it would take way longer than ~8 minutes to accomplish that.

There was one more part that made me laugh. Chocolate House.

There was one more part that made me laugh. Chocolate House.

There was one more part that made me laugh. Chocolate House.

I have a hard time enjoying superhero movies because I think it just looks stupid. The costumes look stupid as hell. I can't suspend my disbelief to believe that the regular people in this movie are walking around with Superman or Spider-Man or Batman existing in their society and not thinking it's a fucking joke.

I have a hard time enjoying superhero movies because I think it just looks stupid. The costumes look stupid as hell. I can't suspend my disbelief to believe that the regular people in this movie are walking around with Superman or Spider-Man or Batman existing in their society and not thinking it's a fucking joke.

There's a movie called the Gatekeeper about a half-Mexican, half-white American border patrol agent who goes to Mexico and poses as a wannabe-illegal immigrant in order to bust some human traffickers. But he ends up getting caught up with the other immigrants for real when his backup gets shot by the coyotes. All the

There's a movie called the Gatekeeper about a half-Mexican, half-white American border patrol agent who goes to Mexico and poses as a wannabe-illegal immigrant in order to bust some human traffickers. But he ends up getting caught up with the other immigrants for real when his backup gets shot by the coyotes. All the

They released an updated version several years ago where the menstrual belt is changed to maxi pads. I read it a little while back; it was good. I liked the part where Margaret angrily proclaims her disbelief in God. Very ballsy.

They released an updated version several years ago where the menstrual belt is changed to maxi pads. I read it a little while back; it was good. I liked the part where Margaret angrily proclaims her disbelief in God. Very ballsy.

I had that elitist streak too. After hearing a dozen other freshmen do their book report on Harry Potter I wanted nothing to do with it. If it had come out a few years earlier, when I would have felt like a badass for reading a big-kid book, I bet I would have loved it. If it hadn't become a big thing until I was a

I had that elitist streak too. After hearing a dozen other freshmen do their book report on Harry Potter I wanted nothing to do with it. If it had come out a few years earlier, when I would have felt like a badass for reading a big-kid book, I bet I would have loved it. If it hadn't become a big thing until I was a

I'm another one who loved Narnia as a kid and had no clue about the Christian undertones. I actually read the entire series again just a few months ago because they were on the shelf of the English library of the school I teach at in Korea. It's still some amazing fantasy, but now I notice that the books start to suck