
I'm another one who loved Narnia as a kid and had no clue about the Christian undertones. I actually read the entire series again just a few months ago because they were on the shelf of the English library of the school I teach at in Korea. It's still some amazing fantasy, but now I notice that the books start to suck

I liked Where She Went too, though I think it would have been better with a different ending. I don't want to post spoilers but let's say it would have been a way more mature book if they had chosen the other option.

I liked Where She Went too, though I think it would have been better with a different ending. I don't want to post spoilers but let's say it would have been a way more mature book if they had chosen the other option.

I read that in a literature class in college! I really enjoyed it.

I read that in a literature class in college! I really enjoyed it.

I'd probably feel differently looking at them through the eyes of an adult, but I absolutely could not stand her writing as a teen. Some of my friends loved her and kept bludgeoning me into reading her books, and I didn't like any of it. I felt it was really contrived.

I'd probably feel differently looking at them through the eyes of an adult, but I absolutely could not stand her writing as a teen. Some of my friends loved her and kept bludgeoning me into reading her books, and I didn't like any of it. I felt it was really contrived.

Starting in about 6th grade, I read a ton of those Lillian Jackson Braun "Cat Who…" mysteries. I felt very grown up, but now I realize that those things are basically for adult children. I refused to read Harry Potter because I heard about a thousand other kids read their book reports about it and I was just sick of

Starting in about 6th grade, I read a ton of those Lillian Jackson Braun "Cat Who…" mysteries. I felt very grown up, but now I realize that those things are basically for adult children. I refused to read Harry Potter because I heard about a thousand other kids read their book reports about it and I was just sick of

I really like Sleator's work, especially House of Stairs (so fucking great) and Singularity. But I started reading him as an adult. I read Interstellar Pig a couple of years ago and found it overall kind of silly but with some flashes of brilliance. I think if I had read it in about 5th grade I would have been

I really like Sleator's work, especially House of Stairs (so fucking great) and Singularity. But I started reading him as an adult. I read Interstellar Pig a couple of years ago and found it overall kind of silly but with some flashes of brilliance. I think if I had read it in about 5th grade I would have been

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was amazing, but a little daunting for a young person because of its length. I read it for the first time when I was 24 or so. I probably would have loved it in my early teens too, but I was the bookish sort.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was amazing, but a little daunting for a young person because of its length. I read it for the first time when I was 24 or so. I probably would have loved it in my early teens too, but I was the bookish sort.

My parents gave me Lizard Music for my birthday or something when I was in 4th or 5th grade, and reading it over and over again had a lot to do with shaping my sense of humor. I really should read more of his stuff.

My parents gave me Lizard Music for my birthday or something when I was in 4th or 5th grade, and reading it over and over again had a lot to do with shaping my sense of humor. I really should read more of his stuff.

Everything Cormier writes is bleak and amazing. I am the Cheese is great. Tenderness is great. We All Fall Down is one of my favorites. A really quick read that was really good is The Rag and Bone Shop. For the younger crowd who needs their soul crushed, there's Tunes for Bears to Dance to.

Everything Cormier writes is bleak and amazing. I am the Cheese is great. Tenderness is great. We All Fall Down is one of my favorites. A really quick read that was really good is The Rag and Bone Shop. For the younger crowd who needs their soul crushed, there's Tunes for Bears to Dance to.

It was not required for me, but my older brother had to read it, so I ended up reading it when he left it lying around. I was probably in 6th grade. It really made an impression, though there were some things I didn't understand until I read it again when I was older.

It was not required for me, but my older brother had to read it, so I ended up reading it when he left it lying around. I was probably in 6th grade. It really made an impression, though there were some things I didn't understand until I read it again when I was older.

Staying in hotel room #2112!