
I've seen Ween three times and all times have been amazing even if they were wasted. I'm glad to hear that Gener is sober now and I can't wait to hear his solo album - I really dug As I Love My Own and just preordered the MP3. I completely understand the transition into "lamer" music and luckily, like Nick Lowe, even

I don't think she added much to Iron Man too. Black Widow seems like a cool character, but she didn't rise to the game. Scarlett Johansson is attractive, but she's not able to pull off hypercompetent. She's just got this dumb look in her eyes.

Actually, the remainder of the song is about nutrition.

A couple of years ago I held a "Christmas in July" 4th of July party where I showed two movies: "An American Carol," that Republican "comedy" about Michael Moore-type character, and "Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage." It was a hilarious time. This film looks like a contender for an upcoming Christmas in July.

The kid with down syndrome in the robot suit getting blown up by an IRA car bomb in Breakfast on Pluto? Sounds hilarious, but trust me, no.

Fun Fact: the dipped shoe was voiced by Nancy Cartwright, voice of Bart Simpson, among others.

Nah, they're good people, no more or less annoying than anyone is at 16. Now they listen to even worse music than Ani DiFranco but they are still decent, if dull people.

In high school, I had to listen to my lesbian anarcho-feminist friends proclaim Ani DiFranco a "goddess" and ooh and ahh over everything she did. My boyfriend grew up in Buffalo, her hometown, and had to put up with her constant efforts at self-promotion. I knew he was a keeper when we discovered neither of us could

As a lady, I have to say that the premise of the The Switch is horrifying. Impregnating a woman with your sperm without her knowledge can very well be considered rape. It's not charming.

My only problem with the Scott Pilgrim movie is that it didn't develop its female love interest enough to make the rest of the movie seem worthwhile. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. I loved that sort of silliness.

Agreed, Chester 5000 XYV was a peach.

Secret Six didn't make it onto that list either.

I found out about Kim Jong Il's death when the principal of the school I teach at in South Korea barged into the teacher's room and started jabbering and fiddling with the TV. The first thing I thought about was my safety and whether I'd have to go home.

Red Chapel is an amazing documentary, and Nothing to Envy is an amazing book. Kudos to you, sir.

"Homer, are you just holding onto the can?"

Yeah, the heroine herself seems like she honestly does not give a shit about the "love triangle" that is being foisted upon her. She's much more interested in surviving, and the survival of her family.

I sobbed through the last 1/3 of that movie. It kills me.

Didn't you read the Onion article by that little girl whose lifelong goal was to wear a bikini at car shows? It's glamorous!

Yeah, geez, how could they overlook him?