
How many people here would accept being screwed over by their employer and take a huge pay cut because of the knowledge that migrant farm workers would live like kings on half of what you're making?

More like the Bruce Banner. HEYO!!

Seth Rogen?

They like Itchy, they like Scratchy, one kid seems to love the Speedo man… what more do they want?

Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock.

A more recent example is the book "Super Sad True Love Story."

Considering the show is using the Playboy name and has to answer to Playboy, I REALLY doubt there is going to be much criticism of Playboy in the show. I don't think they want to accurately portray their club as an chauvanistic harassment factory for women with no other marketable skills.

"Gabrielle" is the most passive-aggressive apology song ever. That's one of the things I love about Ween. It sounds like they're playing it straight, but if you pay close attention to the lyrics, you realize that the apologizer is supposed to be a total asshole.

I really love "My Own Bare Hands." Always makes me feel good, for some reason.

What's that, a homemade bat?

It makes your balls feel like a pair of maracas.

The Devo song The Day My Baby Gave Me a Surprize made me cry at one point. Also, Wall of Voodoo's song Lost Weekend.

If the reviewers say something is bad, I have found that it usually is. However, if some reviewer thinks it's great, there's still a chance that it might suck.

I thought it was weird in the Mountains of Madness story that the narrator wandered around the buildings full of symbols written on the walls (or something, it's been a while since I read it) for awhile, and after a few hours of this had figured out enough, from a COMPLETELY NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN LANGUAGE, to give us 80

and whatever that dude's name was. Sure, she's cute, but he's going to get sick of her games and creepy fantasy life eventually.

"Well, if it's an EMERgency…"

This guy is like a broken record about the ladies with the big tits!

Yes! And they talked about wanting to have periods because it would help manage your time.

I think that Dave Foley definitely makes the prettiest girl.

You Canucks also have all-dressed chips! That's an exercise in silly excess that I'd think would appeal more to Americans than Canadians.