Alvin Tostig

I've really been enjoying the bullshit, twisted "First Amendment" argument against Net Neutrality. There's nothing more wonderful than a bunch of corporate and Republican fucks twisting individual rights into a way to fuck over the rights of actual individuals.

I'm referring to the people who claim to be leftists but somehow can only ever bring themselves to attack liberals. Glenn Greenwald immediately comes to mind. I agree, they're not equivalent to the alt-right, but I don't know what else to call shitheels like him and Michael Tracey.

I defy you to find anywhere in the constitution where it says Russia can't do that.

Collusion isn't a crime.

"No way man, democrats are just whiny losers."

I'll give McCain this - he provided Trump a nice distraction.

Also, I've never had sex with Ivanka. I want that on the record.

He's been a complete shitbag since 2001. Fuck him.

It's weird how two unrelated investigations might not be in lock step with each other at all times.

Did the melanoma spread to his brain or something? What the fuck is he even talking about?

Motherfuck John McCain.

It's time for some Mavericking*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Counterpoint - No.

Jesus Christ, now we're talking about Hillary Clinton's fucking emails???

He just revealed that the pee tape is real and also Hillary Clinton murdered Seth Rich with her bare hands. It was weird that that came up, frankly.

Oh man, I didn't realize C-SPAN's site and The Intercept had such overlapping readership.

So, how long until Wikileaks starts tweeting some bullshit to distract from how badly this is going for Team Trump?

You guys have your dank twitter memes for that guy who's going to lose.

Comey is SALTY.

Mr. Baio, we keep telling you, your services won't be needed.