Alvin Tostig

You had "Is there any other St. Louis?" right there. IT WAS RIGHT THERE.

I read the first collection of them about a year and a half ago and couldn't tell you what any of them were about today. It doesn't translate well to comic form.

It's the role I was born to play.

Oh god, John Cusack has found a portal and taken control of his body, hasn't he?

There are a lot of infuriating attacks on the free press and free speech.

2001 - that brief period in time when you could make a movie where Jack Black plays the straight man, Jason Alexander has a tail, and Tony Robbins basically has superpowers.

She is objectively gorgeous in every way and yet her face completely skeeves me out. I can't explain it.

I feel like you're probably giving the screenwriters too much credit.

She's going to play what Schumer's character thinks she looks like, right? This is like a Shallow Hal situation, but for her reflection, isn't it?


I don't know if you guys noticed, but the lyrics to this song are not good.

From the previews of this, it seems like the bear doesn't talk, so she's just fucking her pet?

Something like this, I'd imagine

I actually had to pause this 3 or 4 times from laughing so hard. The line about Au Bon Pain being French for "Breakfast at LaGuardia…" I died.

Like John Starks over Horace Grant.

Roger Ebert was a brilliant mind, the most important film critic of our time, and an astute social critic, and yet the thing I love him most for is how hard he dunked on Rob Schneider.

The problem there is that after you make like six dog-murdering son jokes at him he blocks you too.

I once heard Jay Z referred to as looking like he has a lazy eye, but instead of one eye it's his whole face.

God's last name is not Dammit, but Jesus's middle name is definitely Fucking.

Yeah, with these things usually choosing either side has merits, but come of the fuck on. This one isn't close.